
sabas88's Diary Comments

Diary Comments added by sabas88

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Places that mimic terrain or are shaped like something. (지형을 본땄거나 어떤 것을 형상화한 장소들)

It’s the island of Sardinia (miniature Sardinia)… Zoom out and see 😁😁

Places that mimic terrain or are shaped like something. (지형을 본땄거나 어떤 것을 형상화한 장소들)

And Sardegna in miniatura

Places that mimic terrain or are shaped like something. (지형을 본땄거나 어떤 것을 형상화한 장소들)

There’s also Leolandia, previously known as Minitalia/Fantasyland

Digging into Wikidata

Mentioned in the wikidata newsletter :)

The Maps Team at Facebook is excited to announce RapiD Editor Partner Testing

Beautiful work! Thanks for your effort!

Ponte Morandi: why fiddling with the map?

Thanks Samu, I left some comments on HN!

Thanks Hjart, your changeset was good as well, that’s the correct way I try to use when looking at “hot” areas (sorry for the pun)

Ponte Morandi: why fiddling with the map?

Grazie Bruno, il tuo è stato uno dei primi edit che sono stati inseriti, ed ho apprezzato commentando il tuo primo changeset. Hai fatto benissimo a chiudere gli accessi autostradali, cosa che poi si è riflettuta nella realtà.

Il problema sono i changeset “esteri” (francesi, tedeschi) che si limitano alle foto aeree e a quanto visto in tv. :-)

Metro Mapping Proposal (and what's wrong with proposals)

Damn, I saw the voting only because of WeeklyOSM. I hope you won’t abandon it because although was “rejected” by the wiki users, it’s useful and used/usable by some applications. Thanks!

RFC: wikidata->osm lookup table

The list could be generated from WMF side, I suggested it for example in

Surfacing Wikidata objects with coordinates to match them with OSM

Here’s the code if someone is interested to replicate in another country.

Surfacing Wikidata objects with coordinates to match them with OSM

I use the Merge gadget (turned on from, remember to merge in the lowest number.

As for the merged items, they should disappear after the next wikidata dump release perhaps, we’ll look into it and update the query.. now supports internationalization, geolocation in browser

Thank you! I could try to propose the other changes from my fork (the version at as pull requests if needed. Mainly: accessibility data à la Wheelmap and payment options

100 € for multiple social accounts in OSM

Would it be worth to use Bountysource?

State of the Map : Some BoF sessions

Here are all the (top 200) trees in a radius of 300 km around Praha (Czech Republic)

SELECT ?item ?itemLabel ?location WHERE { ?item wdt:P31 wd:Q10884 . ?item wdt:P625 ?coords . wd:Q1085 wdt:P625 ?centerLoc . SERVICE wikibase:around { ?item wdt:P625 ?location . bd:serviceParam wikibase:center ?centerLoc . bd:serviceParam wikibase:radius “300” . bd:serviceParam wikibase:distance ?dist. } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language “en” } } LIMIT 200

Fast explaination: “wd:” is the prefix of an object (URI in Linked Data terminology) Qxxx is an object id Pxxx is a property id (proposed and defined through a process) Each value could be another object or a string ?variable is a variable (like $x in PHP) which could be used in the SELECT (acting as a column in the result table) or in the WHERE (the ‘filters’) WHERE is where you put the filters: the data model is made of triples (subject predicate object) and this is reflected in the query syntax. each filter is terminated by a dot and subject or object can be both variables.

To use wikidata query service you need a basic understanding of SQL (for how querying works), RDF (for the logic behind the system) and Wikidata to search for properties and objects…

We could see if there’s enough interest to start some sort of discussion / user group :-)

New Telenav tool: Fix missing and wrong one-way streets

Nice, I fixed some streets already!

Doing some highway/routing QA with Mapbox's Distance API

I wrote a tool to bruteforce routes with OSRM (before distance matrix was implemented), but I didn’t succeed in using it as a QA tool because of the amount of data required - for a country. Instead I did use it at regional scale to compute matrices between points.

Valhalla could be cool to try for this kind of tests

1.6 Gigapixel image - OSM Point of Interest density map of Europe

Beautiful! Thanks for this visualization.

Does it render?

Yes, it originally did that with Mapnik vs Carto.. The code in itself it’s extensible, it only needs a json with the handled tags.. (as I didn’t find a way to automatically search tags easily in the sql queries, we could only consider Filter entries for example).

Does it render?

Thanks jongleur :-)

I added some phrases in the output which point to Wiki and TagInfo for the user to gather more info… Some tag wiki pages used to have a description of the result, didn’t them?

I mapped 100 countries in 100 days

@AndiG88 Dunno, it would be like to post on Twitter/Instagram a map? :)

@wille: thanks!