
metatech's Diary Comments

Diary Comments added by metatech

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Numérotation des rues

Bonjour, Attention que CadGIS n’est pas une source de données libres, mais soumise au copyright. En effet, les géomètres collaborent avec le SPF Finances pour mettre à jour les cartes, et donc les noms de rues et les numéros des maisons ne sont pas en “open data”. Cordialement, metatech

Potlatch 2.5

Thanks Joost, the shortcuts issue is now solved !

Potlatch 2.5

Hi Richard, Do you have any idea of when the new version will deployed on ? I am still encountering the bug with the disabled shortcuts. Thanks, metatech

Potlatch 2.5

Hi Richard, Do you have any idea of when the new version will deployed on ? I am still encountering the bug with the disabled shortcuts. Thanks, metatech

Potlatch 2.5

@Richard Thanks for the fix. I will certainly test it once it’s deployed, please tell me when it is… Thanks.

Potlatch 2.5

The shortest scenario I have is the following URL : then create a way from the big building to the way 314699213, select as “service road”. Then select way 314699213, and press “H” (which has no effect). Thanks for looking into this…

Potlatch 2.5

Hello, Potlach 2 is the only editor I have been using for 4 years, and I hope it will last for long. I have one problem to report though : since the 2.5 update, some keyboard shortcuts do not work anymore consistently. They work at the beginning of an editing session, but after a few operations (adding nodes and ways, saving, …), they stop working (most of the time, but not always). For instance : “H” for history, “C” for closing changeset, “+” for adding new value, “Z” for undo, “T” for switching between simple and advanced view. The problem is reproduceable on Chrome Mac, Firefox Mac and Chrome Windows. Has anyone experienced the same problem ? Thanks, metatech

Introducing OpenStreetView

Hi, I am will probably start contributing to OpenStreetView or Mapillary soon. OpenStreetView sounds nice, but it looks more restrictive than Mapillary (attribution to “©Telenav” for instance). Can you please explain the reasons why you did not join forces with Mapillary, but created 2 competitors instead ? In other words, was there any limit that prevented from enhancing Mapillary ? Thanks, metatech