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mapadu's Notes

Notes submitted or commented on by mapadu

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Id Creator Description Created at Last changed
closed 3461409 user4816003805

An artwork called "Convergence: Commute Patterns" is on top of the central subway station here. It's a glass topographic map on the roof that you can walk on.

via StreetComplete 48.0

Attached photo(s):

closed 1840575 mapadu

Ground survey found new building here with few, if any, gaps with neighboring buildings. Fresh aerial imagery needed to confirm extent of building.

open 1841611 mapadu

My survey here found no clear place for a person to cross the stream here

closed 1837364 mapadu

Library book drop here, on outside of building.

closed 322909 Bryce C Nesbitt

If you can visit this amenity=bicycle_repair_station, could you help to position this node? It is too small to show up on an air photo. Thanks!

closed 1838472 mapadu

Sign approximately here indicates .2 mile trail to VA hospital; surveying needed to determine trail parts under tree cover and not visible on aerial imagery.

open 1845630 mapadu

Roughly here is a short boardwalk bridge as part of the trail, but nailing the spot without aerial imagery or GPS that won’t scatter in the forest is difficult.

closed 1672745 Trizek

potable water fountain

closed 1646224 lmsteinx

People may wish to know that there are stairs on this branch of the trail that climb over a hill and down the other side.

closed 1590158

Ed Lee Tree

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