
kenguest's Diary Comments

Diary Comments added by kenguest

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JOSM scripting plugin: be a power user!

Can I presume it isn’t possible to commit changes using the plugin? I’m just a little wary of mistakes/typos being committed “by brute force”.

There’s irony in here somewhere, considering “my” Services_OpenStreetMap project, which does allow commits etc! :-D

Вторая пензенская картовечеринка

I like the idea of those stickers, very clever. Is there a source/PDF for them?

The Marble Arch Mapping Party

Not boring at all, Harry. What’s the music you’ve got on in the background for the “turbo mapping” portion of the video, btw?


I tend to carry a few of these around with me most of the time, just on the off-chance that I might need them.


Sounds like a good idea.


piazza Fascitelli Santa Lucia


How to introduce new streets?

If you mean you're going to copy over portions from the "google map" for your area when you say "not worry about licenses" please don't: you'll be infringing copyright and we'll just have to delete what you've added.


Test Failed. Reboot Imminent.

Max Registry Cleaner


Working on the Zoo

I hope the grey wolf enclosure is still there! 10 years since I was there and remember it vividly.

Nike Grid - maps secretly based on OSM

It certainly would be nice/useful for them to attribute OpenStreetMap for what they have done - at the very least we could use it as free advertising for the project. That said, John Smith probably has a valid point. Perhaps we just need to gently educate their legal dept?

Numbering houses

I tend to bring along a few printouts of one of these 'posters' with me and given one to anyone that asks what I'm doing.

Firebrand Fire Poker

I don't think this actually is spam. kiwia's solo entry is for Arrowtown near Queensland Lakes in NZ, which is where the company behind the linked website is based. Harshness thy name is lyx :D

openstreetmap in local media

thanks - I had some mapping friends proof read it for me and took their suggestions on board.

coburg north - the final frontier

nice to see someone else picking up the ball around Melbourne ;)

Diary Entry


cant get into map

get an OSM hiviz vest and wear it while mapping the park, strutting around as though you own the park - and pay security their wages.
they'll spot the hiviz vest and think you're doing something official ;-)

Newbie on a Road Trip!

you could probably use whereami or maemo mapper on the n810 for both logging tracks and for seeing what portions of the area are already in OpenStreetMap.

Lamp posts (tagging question)

there are probably asset number tags on them too - I'd imagine asset=# ??