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jgruca's Diary Comments

Diary Comments added by jgruca

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Golf course details now rendered with the latest Carto release

I’ve created a PR with a greener shade of green for pitch. We’ll see where it goes.

911 location signs

You probably want emergency=access_point.

Ferramentas e atalhos úteis no JOSM

When using the extrude tool, you can also double-click on a line to add a node without having to switch back to draw mode.

Extracting building height from drone imagery

I’d be curious to hear more about the tools used for the drone survey. You mentioned pix4d and OpenDroneMap – did one of those create the orthomosaic and elevation data in this case? Was there software used to create a flight plan for the area?

Osmose Errors

Thanks so much!

Looking at these same ways in JOSM and using the validator there made this a lot easier. I had been looking at the errors in iD on a computer I did not have JOSM installed. Finding the weird geometry issues was a lot harder there.

The error message would have been more helpful if it indicated that inconsistent or self-overlapping areas would trigger it. I guess that was the “Should be polygon” part – these errors caused the areas to no longer be polygons.

Again, thank you for taking the time to look at those, and to give such detailed explanations of what was going on.