
ghost_07's Diary Comments

Diary Comments added by ghost_07

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Min Karta for Sweden Mapping


Let me clarify this. The reply from Lantmäteriet means that we are allowed to use their imagery as a custom source in our editor for mapping purposes, but in case we want to add them as a named layer to editors, we need to pay money to them. And that’s the reason why we now don’t have it there among other imagery sources.

Am I right?

Thanks, Dmitry

Min Karta for Sweden Mapping

Sounds good! I already asked people in Telegram group. Now will include people on FB to this. Thanks

Min Karta for Sweden Mapping

Hmmm. For now I stop using thise aerial imagery, we need to come to a conclusion here: on the very link you sent earlier:

Usage, Terms and Fees The National Land Survey’smaps and images are protected by law.

Publication of information from My Map is only allowed for individuals and non-profit associations. Users have the right to:

Make analog and digital prints of our maps/images free of charge. Publish our maps/images as illustration in analog form e.g. in reports, books or similar. Limitations:

Publish maps/images in digital form is allowed, but it requires that you add your own information on top and that that information is the primary. Publication in digital form is not allowed in any type of commercial context e.g. where published images are available against payment or on websites / e-services / apps financed by advertising, ads or the like.

Looks like OSM is an example of a non-profit organization.

По заметкам

О! Прекрасно помню как твои заметки было весело закрывать в районе Аэропорта и Сокола. Только расчистишь кусок, а на следующий день ещё пачка))

Min Karta for Sweden Mapping

Here is the confirmation that the data is open:

Min Karta for Sweden Mapping

Moreover, there is an option to select aerials from Läntmateriet in iD editor, it just does not work due to API update.

Min Karta for Sweden Mapping

Asked this question both in local Sweden group on FB and in Telegram channel. This data is free for use

Potlatch 2.5

As for me I would also vote for tags on lines by default. And for the hotkey for this as well

Potlatch 2.5

Congrats with the release. Is there any hotkey to cycle through relations on the way?

Мои правки

Большая работа. Круто!


Как мне подсказали в комментариях к английской версии этой записи, для узких улочек иногда уместнее ставить тэг тротуара на саму улицу: >The simplest method is to tag the associated highway with sidewalk=both/left/right/none as appropriate for those sections of sidewalk that are parallel with the carriageway

The importance of sidewalks

Good note, thank you!