
filip777's Notes

Notes submitted or commented on by filip777

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Id Creator Description Created at Last changed
closed 1680472 filip777

"Na základe terénneho prieskumu som zistil že a danej adrese nie je gastro zariadenie"
The place has gone or never existed. This is an auto-generated note from MAPS.ME application: a user reports a POI that is visible on a map (which can be outdated), but cannot be found on the ground.
POI name: Jedáleň Jarka
POI types: amenity-restaurant
OSM data version: 2019-01-13T09:03:02Z

closed 1674305 filip777

"reštaurácia už neexistuje. Priestory sú súčasťou CULTUS kultúrneho centra MČ Ružinov "
The place has gone or never existed. This is an auto-generated note from MAPS.ME application: a user reports a POI that is visible on a map (which can be outdated), but cannot be found on the ground.
POI name: pizzeria Lamont
POI types: cuisine-italian amenity-restaurant
OSM data version: 2019-01-13T09:03:02Z

closed 1680477 filip777

"Na tomto mieste nie je gastronomická prevadzka"
The place has gone or never existed. This is an auto-generated note from MAPS.ME application: a user reports a POI that is visible on a map (which can be outdated), but cannot be found on the ground.
POI name: Fresh Court
POI types: amenity-restaurant
OSM data version: 2019-01-13T09:03:02Z

closed 2243573 filip777

The place has gone or never existed. This is an auto-generated note from MAPS.ME application: a user reports a POI that is visible on a map (which can be outdated), but cannot be found on the ground.
POI has no name
POI types: highway-bus_stop
OSM data version: 2020-05-14T01:25:26Z

closed 697048 filip777

cintorín (OSM data version: 2016-08-22T09:03:02Z) #mapsme

closed 707479 filip777

no water, need to buy (OSM data version: 2016-08-22T09:03:02Z) #mapsme

open 2592317 filip777

"Duplication with Rubicon"
The place has gone or never existed. This is an auto-generated note from MAPS.ME application: a user reports a POI that is visible on a map (which can be outdated), but cannot be found on the ground.
POI name: Lekáreň Rubicon
POI types: amenity-pharmacy
OSM data version: 2021-02-01T11:34:17Z

closed 2001931 filip777

"Bol tu PUB na ktorý upozorňuje graffiti ale v súčasnosti sa tu žiadna prevádzka nenachádza "
The place has gone or never existed. This is an auto-generated note from MAPS.ME application: a user reports a POI that is visible on a map (which can be outdated), but cannot be found on the ground.
POI has no name
POI types: building shop-convenience
OSM data version: 2019-10-19T16:52:54Z

closed 2001840 filip777

"Je tam obchod s módou"
The place has gone or never existed. This is an auto-generated note from MAPS.ME application: a user reports a POI that is visible on a map (which can be outdated), but cannot be found on the ground.
POI has no name
POI types: building amenity-cafe
OSM data version: 2019-10-19T16:52:54Z

closed 2001842 filip777

"Je tu Obecný úrad, Klub dôchodcov, Obecná knižnica"
The place has gone or never existed. This is an auto-generated note from MAPS.ME application: a user reports a POI that is visible on a map (which can be outdated), but cannot be found on the ground.
POI has no name
POI types: amenity-police
OSM data version: 2019-10-19T16:52:54Z

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