
diogow's Diary Comments

Diary Comments added by diogow

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São Paulo meet-up and mapping Brazil

Nice to see you again Harry. Hope to seeing you in your side of the world later this year. All the best, Diogo

New survey / Novo levantamento

Vamos combinar sim - vamos colocar na wiki, uma nova mapping party!

Inclusive, tem que pegar o histórico de todo o pessoal que está mapeando, eu estou vendo mais gente pelo history que não participa da lista... a gente pode mandar mensagem pra eles pelo frontend do sistema mesmo, sem usar a lista, e manda um email pra lista tambem.

Eu posso fazer dia 6 e 7, vamos marcar nos dois dias, quem nao puder um dia vai no outro... eu provavelmente posso ir nos dois...

vamos nos falando...

Um abraço,


SP Metropolian area approaching 100%

Actually, the SP metro (Sampa) is closer to ~234 sq km (corrected).

Thanks for the incentives, Skippern. I'm considering printing one of those banners that you use in Europe, but I need to translate it and pay for it. I'm more inclined to making one of those OSM vests that you see around in some of the mapper's pictures.

Hard but worth it

Absolutely. The link is now included. Thanks for the reminder!

Java visualization coming together

Well, as I said before, I'm working right now on an Applet, but eventually it will become a J2ME client. I also have plans to make this application open source, but not on this moment, I still have some ideas that I plan on implementing. Also, I am trying to figure out how I can make money with this program in open source form.

The Neo again

Very nice, man ! How did you grab this Neo1973? I would like to get one myself in the future, even though I have a couple other projects stopped, including a Telit GSM+GPS module sitting in my electronics shelf :-(

I'm also developing a Java program to load OSM data on the fly, take a look on my diary for progress...
