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Mapper since:
February 27, 2019

Designtank is an interior design studio and Estelle Cameron’s brainchild. With the client’s interest at heart, Estelle Cameron insists on delivering the highest quality possible and using innovative design to tailor solutions for every individual client, their lifestyle, and their home.

Designtank has specialised in bathroom design, kitchen design, and home renovation design where we work on custom cabinetry, space planning, furniture, and much more. Essentially, the design studio focuses on producing unique spaces that are not only aesthetically pleasing but also very functional and smart.

Estelle Cameron, the creative behind and founder of the studio brings forth a unique set of experiences and expertise. She first worked as a project manager in the IT and banking industry, attaining plenty of experience in project management.. However, the draw to the creative side proved too strong for her to resist. Finally, she heeded to her heart’s desire and passion and undertook a Diploma of Interior Technology, thereby embracing her creative side. At the end of her formal education journey, she had started her second career.

However, having completed her studies was just the beginning. She now turned her focus on bringing her dream to light. She created Designtank and ventured to develop and expand her network of industry professionals. Importantly, she focused on attaining practical skills and hands-on experience in both small and large projects.

Leaning on her main attributes as a problem solver, listener, action taker, and her attention to detail, she developed Designtank into a successful business. As such, over the years, she has amassed the necessary industry knowledge and practical know-how, to be able to use her creative ideas to bring to life any renovation project you have in mind or you are undertaking.

Designtank Services

1. Home Renovation, Kitchen Design, Bathroom Design

As you will appreciate, no two homes are exactly the same and every family or property owner will have their own unique needs and ideas. Consequently, there is no one size fits all design solution; there is no one size fits all design fee as well. Designtank offers you the opportunity to benefit from a bespoke design solution. We take everything very seriously, right from the design brief. Importantly, we appreciate that to end up with a successful project, it is critical to get everything right from the formative stages of the project.

With this in mind, we offer a Project Briefing Consultation on the job site (which might be your home or not) that lasts 30 minutes as a complimentary service if you live within our service region. Alternatively, we can go over the drafted plans with your over a cuppa. This free initial consultation allows Designtank to obtain all the necessary information needed to tailor a quote for your specific project. On the clients’ end, they get to experience first-hand what it is like to work with us and attain a better understanding of what we bring to the table.

Our full range of design services include:

  • Interior finishes selections
  • Full bathroom and kitchen design
  • Drafted plans showing elevations and floorplan
  • Layout and Space planning solutions
  • Tapware, accessories selections, and bathroom fittings
  • Cabinetry design (laundry, bathroom vanity, kitchen, entertainment unit, study)
  • Furniture selections
  • Colour consulting
  • Electrical plans and Lighting selections
  • Window coverings, and much more

Designtank gives you the freedom to choose the packages that suit your needs, allowing you to sign up for the range of services that you only want.

Contact us today and book your FREE Project Briefing Consultation.

2. Renovation Consultation

You have had plans for your renovation or new build drawn up. However, you are not 100% satisfied with the layout. You feel something is missing. You may also feel that the entire building or renovation process is a little bit overwhelming and you, therefore, need some tips, guidance, and even encouragement before heading to the construction phase of the project.

During the fixed price Renovation Consultation, all the questions that you have will be answered. We discuss all potential issues and give you advice on the same, giving the knowledge and confidence you need to successfully see your project through. As you can appreciate, any renovation project no matter the scale can be an expensive affair. As such, you want to ensure that you make the right plans and decisions for the sake of your family and home.

During the 90-minutes Renovation Consultation session, we take an in-depth exploration of your project – you better come with a pen and paper and come prepared to take notes. During the session, I will cram in a lot of information and advice for you to implement your project in the right way. If the project site is within my service area , I can visit you there instead of my office. However, if you live outside the service area, our e-design services are perfectly suited for long-distance consulations.

This service comes at a fixed price and has helped plenty of my past clients to implement changes and overcome hurdles that arise between the planning phase and building stages.

Contact us today and book your Renovation Consultation.

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