
cvl's Diary Comments

Diary Comments added by cvl

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Canning Vale Name Data

Hi John,

That's a good point - the system I came up with relies on having the way data already entered into the system - Nearmaps being a Perth based company has spoiled me :)

In short the system I wrote is only for the "street names pass". The idea being that (as is almost always the case in Perth) the ways are already there, you only need to grab the name data. My thinking was that someone who enjoys walking could grab all the name data using a GPS-enabled mobile phone with a simple user interface, while someone with the skills / patience to use JOSM/Potlatch can go in and interpret the collected data into way-names.

Dunsborough Western Australia: Lots of tracing needed!

Sure - Dunsborough is extremely urbanized now - it's nothing like it was 20+ years ago, and has largely taken the role of "slightly out of the city tourist spot" that Mandurah used to have. So I was a little surprised that it only had some circa 1996 ways.

Another good way is to mention it in your diary, then anyone with some spare time can lend a helping hand :) I should have mentioned it in my first post that I got a start on it, but I had to go to work...

Dunsborough Western Australia: Lots of tracing needed!

Wow - just had a look at the area again - thanks for filling the rest of Dunsborough out.

Dunsborough Western Australia: Lots of tracing needed!

p.s. Having made a start on filling in Dunsborough of course.

Dunsborough Western Australia: Lots of tracing needed!

Of course - which is why I figure the best approach is to make some noise on my diary ;)

South Lake Survey

I also completely forgot that it currently only works for Firefox and Opera - IE doesn't work yet.

South Lake Survey

Sort of -

It's a prototype, and if it turns out to be useful I'll do some more work on it and turn it into something that is available to everyone. In the mean time though, I'm happy to give it out to people who are willing to help me test the system on request.

I'm looking for people to test using the App as well as test using the website. I've implemented only the important things so that I can test whether the concept I came up with is good or not.