
Kapis's Diary Comments

Diary Comments added by Kapis

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Fixing Jakarta's boundaries (Part I)

Each village=DESA in indonesia contains Community Group (Rukun Warga=RW) which contains smaller Neighborhood Unit (Rukun Tetangga= RT), the RTs sometimes are just a couple of streets-length.

Fixing Jakarta's boundaries (Part I)

Hi ff5722, the source was already the OSM data that HOT Indonesia had uploaded in opensstreetmap with permission from the local authorities of Jakarta for a local project concerning yearly floodings. That is: I didn’t find the data online. In case of any doubts concerning the license, you should contact them.

New script to convert SHP into OSM relation boundaries (

Thanks katpatuka, I added the link of the diary (which for the moment serves as script information) to the Advanced: Conversion tools of that wiki article. And also here:

New script to convert SHP into OSM relation boundaries (

Thanks woodpeck, I fixed the images and added more careful warnings before any user will decide to upload new boundaries.

The script does a good job converting all the features from a SHP to a OSM file but it doesn’t work with administrative levels, being able to decode upper admin_levels in the SHP file(which is required most of the times with the boundary SHP files) and joining them together into multiple OSM relation administrative boundaries.

African Roads and a Western Bias in Mapping

Hopefully you can use the tag

for tagging the quality of each segment in each road and hopefully more apps and maprenders will make use of that tag later on(like the one in your route calculator).