
Elmo12's Notes

Notes submitted or commented on by Elmo12

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Id Creator Description Created at Last changed
closed 4134338 Elmo12

Discrepancia en cuanto a los límites de los términos municipales entre la D.G. de Catastro y el Instituto Geográfico Nacional. Se ha enviado una consulta a la JCCM para intentar resolverla. Este punto del mapa refleja los límites según la D.G. de Catastro.

open 2318828 msevilla00

Ruta circular SL-PNAT-1

open 2683780

Rambla Nueva o Barranco del Val de Bétera

closed 3524755 Vicente Ayuso

Desde Septiembre de 2021 dejó de existir el CEIP Río Tajo. Ahora se encuentra aquí la sede de la EOI (Escuela Oficial de Idiomas) de Guadalajara.
La dirección postal es
c/ Poeta Ramón de Garciasol s.n.
19004 Guadalajara

Su página web es

closed 3103428 Robot8A

Hace falta mapear el área del Parque Natural del Alto Tajo

closed 3118064 TBKMrt

Hello ESP OSM people!
I have found a few items on Wikidata and I'm not sure on which structure would be the right one.
1) Valley of the Fallen - Q940833: Is it really only this building, or should is it the entire complex? Should maybe all building collected in a relation?
2) Abbey of the Holy Cross of the Valley of the Fallen - Q43127829: What buildings/parts of the area should be tagged with it?
3) Cross of Valle de los Caídos - Q56006134: From images it looks like the building this note is placed on is the actual cross. An alternate solution could be to place a single node in the middle of the building.
4) Tomb of José Antonio Primo de Rivera - Q56006309: It seems like this tomb is somewhere underground. Not sure if there is or should be a note for that.
5) Pontifical Basilica of the Holy Cross - Q56006059: What part of what building belongs to this item? Is it only some underground area? Is it the entire outside?
6) Pietà - Q56006246: Seems to be placed outside, but I have no idea where it is. Could be added as node.

Thank you to all ESP OSM people who help!

closed 3385186 Elmo12

There is a problem here with the farmland. Both farmlands should meet at the same point as they meet east of the small natural wood patch.

closed 3315400 Elmo12

El área residencial corresponde a la zona de urbana de Catastro

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