
Edward's Diary Comments

Diary Comments added by Edward

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Thailand Mapping + London Mapping TONIGHT

Congratulations on getting married.

Last Tuesday's meet-up. Рыбинск. Boris bikes. etc.

I started building a browse interface for Google to crawl. I didn't finish it:

Nike Grid - maps secretly based on OSM

Wikipedia maintains a wiki page that records unauthorized use of their data. We could do the same.

More braided streets

Where are they? I thought we'd fixed all the braided streets.

UK Rail Network

Looks nice. Can you change it to include the River Thames?

Cambridge restaurants

Well done, that's excellent work. What's next, pubs and hotels?

Lots of bits in County Tipperary

Hi Andrew, if you find yourself in Tipperary again can you get a photograph for


Big red postboxes

If adding postboxes can you include the reference number on the postbox? They look like "N1 157" and are entered like "ref=N1 157".


Moving Forwards

I put in some postboxes, they are in green in these lists: and

Main braided street list done

Well done, keep up the good work.

Working on "unbraid tool"

Actually, just take a look at

Working on "unbraid tool"

Excellent, this is been on my todo list. Here is some Perl to find braided streets in a OSM data dump:


use strict;
use warnings;

open my $fh, "data.osm" or die $!;
my $state = 1;
my $way_id;
my %node_way;
my %way_node;
my %way_tag;
my %node_loc;
while (<$fh>) {
if ($state == 1) {
if (/ $2, lon => $3 };
/^ !) {
$state = 2; next;
close $fh;

my %look_at;
while (my ($k, $v) = each %node_way) {
@$v > 1 or next;
$way_tag{$_}{highway} and $look_at{$_} = 1 for @$v;

my %seen;
$seen{$_} or linked_ways($_) for keys %look_at;

sub api {
my $way = shift;
return "$way_tag{$way}{name} ([$way $way])";

sub linked_ways {
my $way = shift;
my $name = $way_tag{$way}{name} or return;
$way_node{$way} or die $way;
my %cross_way;
foreach my $node (@{$way_node{$way}}) {
my @ways = grep { $way_tag{$_}{name} } @{$node_way{$node}};
@ways or next;
$cross_way{$_}++ for @ways;
while (my ($k, $v) = each %cross_way) {
$v < 3 and delete $cross_way{$k}
%cross_way or return;
my $loc = $node_loc{$way_node{$way}[0]};
print "# [$loc->{lat}&lon=$loc->{lon}&zoom=17 map]: ";
$seen{$_} = 1 for keys %cross_way;
print join (", ", map api($_), $way, keys %cross_way);
print "\n";

JOSM Yahoo tracing

There is no way to get JOSM to remember the Yahoo imagery between sessions.