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DBailey635's Notes

Notes submitted or commented on by DBailey635

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Id Creator Description Created at Last changed
closed 556863 DBailey635

The main section of Green Park House is not rendering on map tiles, but does exist in edit mode. I think there's a problem with the join. Can someone fix this?


closed 124357

Adventure cafe

closed 136096 DBailey635

Sold to a developer to construct housing on.

closed 136095 DBailey635

Sold to a developer to construct housing on.

closed 139187 DBailey635

Castle not showing up, despite being present in edit mode.

closed 136094 DBailey635

Sold to a developer to construct housing on.

closed 124415 DBailey635

There are a set of barriers across this road, so vehicles can no longer travel it's whole length. There are turning areas on either side of the barriers. Access remains for cyclists and pedestrians.

closed 124417 DBailey635

St Gregory's Catholic College has opened a new Sixth-Form building on this piece of land, with associated car-parks and access. These need to be recorded.

closed 91242

Rose and Laurel Pub now shut; being converted into houses.

closed 124435 DBailey635

New campus estate support buildings (sheds and an energy-center) being built. See:

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