
Anton Khorev's Diary Comments

Diary Comments added by Anton Khorev

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iD on a phone

Still haven’t checked but maybe this helped:

iD on a phone

Automatically collapsing the sidebar when an element is deselected (just like it already expands automatically when one is selected or created)

Does it actually automatically expand? It doesn’t for for me.

If it did you’d get this annoying behavior of popping up right under your finger when you touch the screen. This is what happens in Every Door, for example.

Photomapping + Notes

…and I’ve added it to settings. Also available through a link on the “Load and show images from trusted sources” checkbox.

Photomapping + Notes

Comment parsing already depends on server settings. For example, if you switch to OpenHistoricalMap, links to their servers will be detected instead of osm (example). But links to images are still detected only on . I want to add image hosting settings somewhere near server settings.

Photomapping + Notes

Then I can let the users specify the sites they trust for image autoloading. Default values could be: - StreetComplete - MapComplete …

I don’t want to show every jpg link by default because anyone can set up their server and comment someone’s notes with links to images on their server and then look at ip addresses and other stuff browsers send.

Photomapping + Notes

Do the photos end up at urls ... .jpg ? I can auto-load and display them in my note viewer if they match some pattern.

Example notes:

Converting HIFLD tags in to OSM schema, Hospitals Dataset.

What do you think is the difference between THEN and ELSE branches in this expression?

    WHEN "ADDRESS" ~ '^[0-9]+\\s' THEN regexp_replace("ADDRESS", '^\\S+\\s(.*)$', '\\1')
    ELSE regexp_replace("ADDRESS", '^\\S+\\s+(.*)$', '\\1')
Response to Andy and DWG

If you can use JOSM, try the Fillet command from its CommandLine plugin. It allows you to make rounded corners on a way by entering a radius.

Comparación de aplicaciones / servicios que trabajan con notas

Added image viewing for StreetComplete / I’m being careful here which image hosting sites to allow. Otherwise anyone could fish for users’ ip addresses / browser signatures by making notes with links to a server that collects this kind of information and strategically placing the notes.

Comparación de aplicaciones / servicios que trabajan con notas

About filtering anonymous notes in note-viewer:

You can’t do this from the search form because it passes parameters to osm api and there’s no such parameter. However there’s a filter form below which can filter already downloaded notes. There you can filter by anonymous/non-anonymous users. Unfold Filter syntax to see examples.

This is an expression for notes created by anonymous users:

user = 0

^ means the beginning of comment/action sequence, so the next line defines condition for the first action on a note. 0 is a special value for anonymous user. If you want notes by non-anonymous users, the filter is:

user != 0

If you use a filter, the bad thing is that note-viewer still needs to download notes that don’t match the filter expression. Open Note counts below the table an it may say something like 77 fetched, 12 visible. It means 77 notes had to be downloaded to find 12 notes that match the filter expression. The good thing is that you can change the filter without redownloading the notes.

Comparación de aplicaciones / servicios que trabajan con notas

About max number of notes in my note-viewer:

It can do two type of queries. From the default Search notes … form it does a search query. After initial download it can always download additional notes by manipulating the date range. The number of notes select only tell how many notes to download in one request. Even if you downloaded 2500 notes, you can press Load more button below the table to download more, if there are any. By default note-viewer downloads more notes automatically when you scroll to the bottom if there’s less than 1000 notes downloaded. But since all notes are displayed on one page, the real limit is how many your browser can handle. I tried downloading 5000 notes an it kind of worked but the map updates were slow.

There’s also a bounding box query available in note-viewer by opening Get notes inside small rectangular area form. This one can’t download more notes, the amount you choose is going to be maximum amount, see readme for reasons. The api allows to download at most 10000 notes in one request. For those who feel brave I added that option. When I tried it, it took about a minute for the results to arrive, and it was a 10 megabyte download. It also took about half a minute before the browser was able to render anything. It’s likely a bad idea to run such queries.

Крым ваш!

Школы без зданий можно так искать:

Только это не быстро и не всегда работает. Какие-то виды отношений этому запросу не нравятся, возможно, состоящие из нескольких несоединённых площадей.

Note Viewer

The the marker reflecting interactions and the line are experimental features.

The idea behind the lines was to show a sequence of notes on the map as if it was a gps track. If I created note A, then note B, then note C, there would be a line connecting A and B, then B and C. Currently it doesn’t work exactly like that. It connects the notes that are scrolled into view in the table, and they are connected in the order they appear in the table (which is not necessarily a creation order).

The marker symbols are to quickly find more “interesting” notes, the ones that had many interactions. Interactions are represented by kind of tree rings, with the oldest state inside, then newer states added around it. One problem with that is there’s limited amount of space to display the rings. Also, the first state is redundant because all notes start as open. That means if I followed through my tree rings analogy, all note markers would have red cores. That would just add visual noise. I’m experimenting with other marker shapes to see if they fit better.

Недвухэтапный ввод POI

Из Османда тоже можно уточнять теги существующих пои типа режима работы. На знакомом месте или на незнакомом, но пустом не будет проблем с выяснением соответствия старых и новых пои, а значит, можно также добавлять пои. Но уверенности, что место свободно от пои, у нас не будет, потому что Османд может просто не отрендерить имеющуюся точку. Не отрендерит он amenity с неизвестным ему значением. Хотя, например, офисы с неизвестным значением заставить рендерить можно той же опцией OSM mapper assistant.

The moderation queue. The first 3000 issues

People often report each other as “vandals” if they have disagreements how to map something. If I’m in edit war with someone, what are my reporting options? I have to report the user and then select a reason. The selectable reasons are:

  • This user profile is/contains spam - this one doesn’t fit
  • This user profile is obscene/offensive - this one either
  • This user profile contains a threat - this one either
  • This user is a vandal - this one is the last besides “Other”, so it gets selected

There needs to be another option that corresponds to “User Dispute” DWG queue. And another one for “Poor mapping”.

Как я отмечаю POI – Геометрия

Не могёт браузер фф в документ без оглавления

I changed my vote for the PT "v2" scheme to no

A single object for each and every bus or tram stop on a node next to the highway/railway. That’s what I’m saying.

Tram stops were typically mapped on the tracks, so they were “stop_positions” in PTv2 terminology, unlike bus stops that were mapped on the side of the road. Stop position also makes it easy to detect if it’s no longer on a route when the ways included in the route change. If I had to redesign the schema to have only one object per stop in a route relation it would be a stop position. Then there would be an option to add a relation that would include stop position and all extra details like platforms and shelters.

Как я отмечаю POI – Пролог

Ну не знаю, имею сотню заметок за месяц

Сотню я могу за пару часов часов собрать. для тех, кто не пользуется

Нельзя ли тогда в приложении сделать проверку на наличие организации с таким же названием рядом.

Теоретически можно. и так скачивает текущие данные рядом с добавляемой точкой. Совсем запрещать одинаковые названия рядом нельзя, потому что так иногда бывает на самом деле, но можно было бы показывать предупреждение. Но пока что разработчики считают, видимо, что и так сойдёт, и не мешают даже добавлять два экземпляра одного и того же в одном пакете.

Частично проблема решается нажатием на здание и отображением уже имеющихся в здании организаций.

Но ещё надо, чтобы пользователи до этого догадались. И всех организаций может быть всё равно много.

Самое простое, что разработчики могли бы сделать - разрешить увеличение побольше, как в OsmAnd. для тех, кто не пользуется

В малонаселенных областях правки Maps.Me - единственный способ для пользователей увидеть на карте то, что их интересует, чего им не хватает, чем они хотят поделиться с окружающими: номер своего дома, магазин, кемпинг, придорожную закусочную, новый мотель, который даже на спутнике не виден и т.д.

Тут всё будет хорошо, пока им надо отмечать то, что никак не отмечено. А когда им надо будет отметить один магазин вместо закрывшегося другого? Получится, возможно, то же, что и в густонаселённых, только позже, хотя вероятность дублей будет ниже, а конфликтующих тегов - выше.