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Lodha Azur

Mapper since:
March 18, 2024

Lodha Azur gloats of four rich high-rise towers, each taking off with 2 cellars, a ground floor, and a amazing 29 floors over. The engineering wonder is a locate to view, exhibiting a mix of modern aesthetics and useful plan. The towers stand as guides of modernity, advertising all encompassing sees of the city horizon and the rich green environment.

Settled in the heart of the bustling Akshaya Nagar, fair off the famous Bannerghatta Primary Street in Bangalore, Lodha Azur stands tall as a confirmation to extravagance living. Spread over a sprawling 10-acre field, this upscale private improvement rethinks the concept of present day living with its wonderful plan, world-class comforts, and prime location.