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During the State of the Map Africa 2021 conference especially on theme of leaving no one behind and underrepresented communities as well as emerging from a global pandemic, as a women I understood the importance of inclusion and equity, I got to know the role of Representing a local community in the geospatial data collection on the OSM and discovered that is no longer impossible but it easy and applicable on any achievable scare any local growing Local community can afford .

Therefore, with all the ideas speakers emphasized at the conference we fully explored the topic of Beyond mapping and Reusing Open Street Map data/FOSS4G where we were able to learn how community can make use of available Geodata for personal and institutional development.

Also taking about the free software we were able to understand further the four major advantages that come with the free software like the run, improve, share , and Study. Generally, on our side, the experience was good especially the marathon, keynotes from different speakers, panel discussions, and lightning talks were really exciting . During this conference, I came to learn about the Open Mapping Hub ESA and the roles the hub has played to expand the Mapping communities in the region through the funding of various projects like the Open Cities Project in collaboration with other international institution.

In fact what I can say is, yes we still have a lot to learn about challenges and opportunities available , as well as tools to use . but the biggest interest everyone took as a take away considering my local community members who managed to attend , is that , it is no longer impossible for women , mothers and underrepresented community youths in general .

Location: Kiyovu, Kigali, Akarere ka Nyarugenge, Kigali, Rwanda


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