
pedrito1414's Diary Comments

Diary Comments added by pedrito1414

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Cés’t finí

C’est fini et ça ne fait que commencer! (sorry for the potentially bad French!) See you soon, Eden. Thanks for all your contributions!

OM Guru: My First in-person Guru Duty in 2024 in Timor Leste!

Great to see, thanks for sharing

Web map of colaborative mapping for the Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR)

Thanks for sharing. Look forward to seeing how this develops….

What can I map to help mitigate climate change?

Midpoint Project Progress

Nice one, Eden. And, thanks for the editing skillshare!

Mapping for Flood Response in Hanang District, Manyara-Tanzania 2023

Fantastic summary and seems like a really effective activation. Kudos to all involved….

The State of OpenStreetMap in Africa 2023

Nice one, OSM Africa :D

Call for ideas from Microsoft

Hi Branko, yes that’s right. A buiolding tool as exists in JOSM. Two clicks to draw rectangular buildings and three to draw circular, autotagged with building=yes.

Call for ideas from Microsoft

If Microsoft is still interested in supporting iD editor development, that building mapping tool idea is still hanging and it would really help mappers involved in remote mapping buildings and validators doing the QA afterwards… I found this issue on the tasking manager github: but maybe others might know of more up-to-date documentation?

A Local Knowledge Dilemma? - A Data-Driven Alert for OSM

Martin, this is great feedback, thank you! I’ll share with the community managers in HOT and also add an addendum to the post on the HOT blog post on this…

A Local Knowledge Dilemma? - A Data-Driven Alert for OSM

Just FYI, this was also presented by me on Ruben’s behalf at State of the Map Eu

State of the Map EU 2023

Nice list of random things to remembe ;). And good to meet you…

From a Resident's Lens: Juba's Open Source Transformation with Open Mapping as the Benchmark

Inspiring stuff, Ronald!

Mapeamento humanitário e OpenStreetMap

Raquel, obrigado por esse registro no diário! E por você ter incluído as referências. Gosto da maneira como você apresenta o valor do mapeamento aberto no trabalho humanitário/resposta… (Peço desculpas se este comentário soar estranho - traduzido via DeepL)

IHEUrgentAction Mapathon for Morocco and Libya

Love it. I really miss in-person mapathons. Also, did you see the ohsome contribution statistics - a nice correlation between the date of your mapathon a big spike in mapper numbers on the Libya projects in general ;)

Mapping Pyongyang: a work of patience

Wow, this is really a labour of love. Thanks for sharing… Can I ask a question? You said motivation came and went… Was that because of the task ahead of you in the mapping or just other life stuff? (I ask as some of the neighbourhoods are really tricky dense buildings and I find them hard to map for long)

Youth-Powered Transformation: The Story of SLSU Youthmappers and Community Mapping

Nice diary! Thanks for sharing… Would be great to see the map! ;)

The Workshop Event

Hi HBanu, thanks for sharing. Your image links seem to be broken, though…

Outdoor Mapping Party In Bengaluru

Really great to hear! Thanks for sharing… :)

Evolving Governance at HOT

Thanks for sharing with such clarity, Heather…. And, for all the work that you and the HOT GWG do!