We’ve been keeping busy this summer! Here are the highlights for the July releases.
Easier Challenge Creation
We completely redesigned the Challenge Creation Wizard, with a focus on gathering the essentials first, and de-emphasizing less-used settings and options. If you have used the Challenge Creation wizard before, we hope you will appreciate the improvements! And if you have never tried to create a MapRoulette Challenge before, give it a try and see how easy it is to create Tasks for fellow mappers to solve!
Leaderboard Improvements
You can now select a custom date range for the Leaderboard. Existing options like ‘Past Year’, ‘Past 3 Months’, etcetera, will still be available. We also show some more detail about the Challenges most worked on by the top MapRoulette mappers.
Global Live Activity View
Have you ever wanted to see where mappers are solving Tasks in MapRoulette right now? You can now, with the new Global Activity view! You can see new Tasks being solved on a world Map, and a live stream of the activity as well. It’s still experimental and we would love to hear what you think about it!
New Translations
The MapRoulette community has been hard at work translating the MapRoulette UI into more languages. It is great to see MapRoulette become available in more mappers’ native languages! It’s easy to participate in the localization effort at Transifex.
See Nearby Next Tasks
When you confirm and finish a MapRoulette Task, you will now see a map showing more nearby Tasks to solve. You can select whether you would like to work on a Nearby Task next, or a Random Task. This new interactive map view can help you choose!
Set Preferred MapRoulette Tags
To capture additional information from mappers, we introduced MR Tags a while ago. As a Challenge Owner, you can ask mappers to use these tags to, for example, indicate blurry or cloudy imagery. We improved on this system by letting you set Preferred MR Tags, that will show up as pre-filled options when a Mapper completes a Task.
Showing Custom Base Map Layers in Editors
When you set a custom map base layer in your Challenge, mappers will now see this same layer when they’re editing.