malenki's Diary Comments
Diary Comments added by malenki
Post | When | Comment |
Welcome Message | I’d say the most important is: Make it short! Make it to the point! At least when I think of how I handle “Welcome Messages” after registering my umpteenth account somewhere I skip every message which is longer than ~6 lines. Half of what you list (about, philosophy, donations) is already on or easily to reach from there. And earnestly: How many newly registered users do you think will immediately jump to join the OSMF? |
A Mapper in the Spotlight: Dave Corley (Ireland) | This interview I really liked to read – especially I like the remarks on armchair mapping. |
A Mapper in the Spotlight: Dave Corley (Ireland) | This interview I really liked to read – especially I like the remarks on armchair mapping. |
bot user accounts | Nakaner: Thank you. It seems “http://” got lost |
bot user accounts | PS: |
bot user accounts | Hi oini, Every user gets assigned an user ID which remains the same even if he changes the user
name. The API shows you some details if you ask for them:
What's your OpenStreetMap story? | A little late, but better late than never. ;) I got to know OSM this way: In 2007 I went by bicycle to Paris. To have the journey in maps on the internet I spend days clicking around at Google Maps which were limited to 24 waypoints (A-Z). As I planned my trip for 2008 (cycling to Istanbul) I looked for easier ways to diplay the travelled way and found GPS-Loggers suitable for me. And while I read about them trying to find out which one would fit best somewhere I read about OpenStreetMap. Regrettably I don’t remember more details. What I remember very well was my first edit. After clicking “edit” flash stuff was loading. I clicked somewhere and suddenly was dragging around a line with the mouse pointer. Clicking around I couldn’t get rid of the line, not to mention enhance the map. So I crossed my fingers and closed the tab hoping I hadn’t made too much damage. Looking for a better editing tool I found JOSM and am stuck with it since. Back then my region was quite bare so before starting my trip to Istanbul I already had mapped some highways in my town. Now, about eight years later, I have made more then 10.000 edits, amongst them a bunch for HOT, filed ~170 bugs against JOSM (most of them are solved) and a lot of other OSM tools, helped translating JOSM, iD,, set up an OSM affiliate account for which generates meanwhile a nice monthly venue for OSM and now and then organised an OSM booth at some Linux and Outdoor gatherings. Once I even lectured about holidays with OpenStreetMap :).
But lately it seems there are more mappers using dubious map sources (to be euphemistic), don’t name their sources and lack a lot in communication. Finding this out and warding it off consumes quite some energy and time I’d prefer to use for mapping myself “good” data. This takes out quite some of the fun of contributing to OSM. |
Data issues in Japan | In 2013 I asked about a cleanup for the similar tidy waterway import on the Japanese ML: The response was underwhelming. |
Lake Ontario | A discussion in February about the same topic with the hint that natural=coastline was already agreed on: |
New ScoutSigns release - now with Mapillary power! | I am unable to test it since with me it prevents JOSM from starting: |
Creating .obf files for OsmAnd using Overpass Turbo API and OsmMapCreator | Thank you for the write-up. Tiny formatting hint: before 5a a linebreak got lost (happens easily with Markdown when forgetting to use to whitespaces before). |
Missing Maps Mapathon Edinburgh, episode 2 | For armchair mapping: I am convinced that mapping from remote is useful and that a lot of persons with good common knowledge can do it with good results after a basic explanation with some examples with hopefully some on-the-ground photos. Even if the imagery is quite old it is unlikely that (major) highways disappear or inhabited places vanish completely. Not sure what task(s) you worked at, but for example in ebola regions the organisations first hand needed to know where the people lived and how to get there. If you map all the houses (or the residential area) and the ways connecting them better guesses or even calculations can be made. It doesn’t matter if you overlooked a dozen houses in a town or accidentially chose the wrong category of highway – the settlement and the street is there and thanks to you the people can be helped. |
Gebäudemapping in Neubaugebieten mit GPS und ohne Luftbilder | Es ging offenbar etwas verloren: | quer zur Richtung der Achse weniger stark aus, da sich die Achse | Innendienst Zum Vereinigen von Ebenen kann man auch ctrl-m drücken. Zum Thema: vor ein paar Jahren habe ich eine Siedlung mit GPS+Fotokamera (statt WPT zu setzen) erfasst. 20 Minuten Erfassung, 5 Stunden am Rechner… ;) |
Editing of our travels in Iran completed | Thank you. I will have a look at it. |
Editing of our travels in Iran completed | Is there a place where you wrote about your travels? |
Erste OSM-Map erstellt. | Eigene Kacheln auf eigenem Server sind imho nur erstrebenswert, wenn man wirklich viel Besucher hat oder einen eigenen Stil rendern will. Sat-Bilder: nimm doch die von Bing oder gar MapBox. Zum Erstellen an sich: Ich hatte (und hab noch immer) nicht viel Ahnung von html&co, aber ein paar Vorlagen hernehmen und anpassen ging eigentlich recht einfach. Evtl magst du auch einmal umap anschauen? Dort kann man sich Verschiedenstes recht bequem zusammenbauen. |
Japan, why are you so beautiful? | Like a lot of things the visualized data of Japan may look beautiful – but a close look makes you shiver. I am thinking of the imports I had a look at and for which I assume the most errors still won’t be fixed. |
Böse Überraschung | Wenn ein ausgeschilderter Wanderweg über einen Weg führt, der nicht öffentlich begehbar ist, hat entweder der Wanderwegwart geschlampt oder der Bauer hat gelogen. In jedem Fall solltest du dich bei der Verwaltung der Kommune erkundigen, wer den Weg verantwortet und pflegt und um eine Lösung dieses Unfugs bitten. (und sorry für den späten Kommentar ;) ) |
Time for a 'Map Your Outdoors Adventure' party! | May I link to an older blog post of mine? Walking Albania about 350 km for a second time was a great experience an an adventure no less. :) (I had this blog post of your as tab in my browser since it’s publication, now finally happen to comment it. :) ) |
Mapillary | I doubt the usability of this tag. Mapillary tends to have several pictures of one object, image=link_to_picture should be sufficient. Besides, everybody should be able to research on his own if there are any images of an object in wikimedia, flickr, mapillary, google streeview etc. |