1. This is NOT part of Royalston State Forest. It's privately owned land that has a conservation restriction allowing public access. Not the same thing. There are green tags nailed to trees on the boundaries explaining that it's a CR.

    Closed · #147914033
  2. Why was this labeled as Royalston State Forest? It's privately owned (by Winchendon Forest LLC) but has a CR allowing public use -- not the same thing. RSF land is owned by MassDEM/MassDCR.

    Closed · #147674862
  3. Storage shed

    Closed · #147674816
  4. Why was this labeled as Royalston State Forest? It's privately owned (by Winchendon Forest LLC) but has a CR allowing public use -- not the same thing. RSF land is owned by MassDEM/MassDCR.

    Closed · #147514471
  5. Used to be Jacobs Road, now it's Elm Avenue (according to street sign).

    Closed · #147514226
  6. Davis Hill Road was formally abandoned past its first 1400' (meaning at this house) at a Royalston Town Meeting in 1980. Shown in survey recorded in Worcester Registry of Deeds, plan book 650 page 101. Also deleted nonexistent building next to cabin.

    Closed · #147514182