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Mapper since:
April 13, 2019
Last map edit:
December 07, 2024

Hi, I’m mainly active in Hamburg, Germany, work as a software engineer and consider myself being an outdoor enthusiast.

Mapping interests

  • Cycle infrastructure (bicycle parking, cycleways, etc.)
  • Hiking: Trails, surfaces, landuses, guideposts, information boards, etc.
  • Hydrants
  • Streets, buildings, addresses, POIs
  • Detailed mapping (benches, street lamps, surfaces of ways, waste baskets, exact landuses, etc.)
  • In the past: Going through new notes on in the area of Hamburg, Germany (about five to ten new notes appear each day). Unfortunately I currently don’t have the time for that.
  • SimpleTaskManager (STM): Tasking manager like HOT but simpler and more general purpose. Website, source code, osm wiki
  • GeoNotes: An Android-App to easily create georeferenced notes. F-Droid store, source code, osm wiki
  • OSM Open: Find open stores at a specific point in time (e.g. open bakeries in Hamburg next Monday at 6am). website, source code
  • QGIS outdoor map: A QGIS project to create good-looking printable outdoor maps. source code
  • OSM changeset crawler (inactive): Crawl through changesets and create CSV output. Not actively developed anymore. source code

Checkout my GitHub account for all other projects.