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dónal's Notes

Notes submitted or commented on by dónal

Id Creator Description Created at Last changed
closed 3363519 dónal

telecom mast. triangular truss construction.

open 3931828 dónal

Unable to answer "Are there sound signals for the blind here?" for via StreetComplete 54.1:

Surveyed: no sound from unit. Will query with Council.

open 3842542 dónal

2 lanes either direction on the port side of the border force checkpoint.

open 3842541 dónal

2 lanes heading into the border control from public area. 1 lane leaving border control to public area.

open 3842540 dónal

2 lanes either direction for border control.

open 3835884 dónal

end of Warwick Terrace (no. 19). start of St. George's Terrace ( no. 1)

open 3833836 dónal

one lane either way with a parking lane on the south side (parallel paid parking)

open 3830081 dónal

7 outdoor gym stations on this curved concrete section.

open 3829637 dónal

surface parking for 5 cars. perpendicular to roadway. 30mins free. max 90mins. pay and display.

closed 3332654 dónal

bicycle maintenance station with stand and tools. next to WAW signpost.