bdwz's Notes
Notes submitted or commented on by bdwz
Id | Creator | Description | Created at | Last changed | |
4479365 | bdwz | footway restored w/ tactile sound button #EveryDoor |
4479362 | bdwz | footway restored w/ tactile sound buttons #EveryDoor |
3754870 | bdwz | Orange County Public Libraries says there's supposed to be a library here, named "Library of the Canyons". It's the only missing library in the OCPL system listed on the website, from what I can see. Please survey if possible. |
3745204 | submitted note from a business:
3737988 | bdwz | Unable to answer "What are the opening hours here?" for via StreetComplete 53.1: Split Enz hair salon: open for appointment only. Will close this myself if no one else does. |
3737989 | bdwz | Unable to answer "Are credit or debit cards accepted here?" for via StreetComplete 53.1: Sierra Pool Supply no longer exists. It is just part of Mission Valley Spas now. |
3754877 | bdwz | Are any other features located within this building, or is it solely the Irvine Katie Wheeler Library? |
3754819 | bdwz | Is there any other feature within this building? Address is 30341 Crown Valley Parkway, Laguna Niguel, CA, 92677. |
3738202 | bdwz | BrĂ¼ Grill & Market is a restaurant, but also sells canned/bottled goods like pickles, sauces, syrups, preserves, wines, etc. Need to figure out a good way to tag it. via StreetComplete 53.1 Attached photo(s):
2988086 | KelsonV | Is Comic Quest still here? |