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Geplante Besitzstörung in Wien

Posted by Zeno Kugy on 26 July 2021 in English. Last updated on 6 August 2021.

I am saving this list here as a to-do-list. Should anyone suggest a proper way to map this stuff, I will try to enter it in OSM. These are places where the owner can fine you with some hundreds euro if you drive through, if you stay more than 15 minutes at the gas station, if don’t spend enough money at the gas station, and so on.

Diese ist eine List von bekannte Besitzstörungsfälle in Wien:

  • Shell-Tankstelle, Ecke Katsushikastraße/Leopoldauer Straße 49, 1210 Wien (hinter der Brücke bei McDonalds)
  • Sackgasse Breitenleer Straße 50, 1220 Wien
  • Liegenschaft Siemensstraße 105A, ident mit Richard-Neutra-Gasse 3, 1210 Wien
  • Donaufelder Straße 135, 1210 Wien (zwischen Hofer und Einkaufszeile Schichtweg)
  • Franz-Eduard-Matras-Gasse 5-7, 1220 Wien Es handelt sich hier um eine Sackgasse an deren Ende es kein Weiterkommen für mehrspurigen Verkehr gibt. Das Wenden des Fahrzeuges ist nahezu unmöglich. Deshalb nutzen viele Lenker die Möglichkeit und wenden in einem anliegendem Grundstück. Da dieses überwacht wird, kommt es in jedem Fall zu einer Besitzstörungsanzeige.
  • Brünner Straße 64, 1210 Wien, FS Tankstelle. Sogar Kunden der bei selber Adresse befindliche Autowerkstatt werden angezeigt.
  • Donaufelder Straße 128, Tankstelle, 1210 Wien
  • Heiligenstädter Str. 60, Shell
  • BP Tankstelle, Gaudenzdorfer Gürtel 77, 1050 Wien
Location: 1210, KG Großjedlersdorf I, Floridsdorf, Vienna, Austria

Fixing the Austrian-Italian border between North and South Tyrol

Posted by Zeno Kugy on 14 June 2021 in English. Last updated on 15 June 2021.

I use to explore and map the area on the border between North and South Tyrol, and I have noticed that part of the border between Austria and Italy is wrong in openstreetmap. I noticed the error, because some abandoned Itallian military infrastracture had moved into Austrian territory.

Here is an example (before fixing): I know that the house with the geodetical tower is in Italy. The boundary stones are located some meters northern. The border between North and Tyrol runs on the watershed, so the border is exactly on the Sandjöchl Pass.

I presume that all these mapping errors where caused by someone using the South Tyrol Topomap the wrong way (here after fixing): On the South Tyrol Topomap a bold line between the gray and white area has been interpreted as the border, but actually the border is the line between the white and the yellow area (at least in this track).

On the layer, below, the border is marked in a better unmistakable way (here after fixing). I am now correcting the border, based on it and confirmed by my surveys. I invite others to verify the situation of the border in their area.

I tried to find out what that wrong border line in the South Tyrol Topomap is. By checking on the GIS of the province Bozen/Bolzano (, it turns out to be the border of “Zone Strassendienst” (road maintenance area) not the national border.

If you cannot see the pictures, here are them all together:

Location: 39041, Pflersch, Brenner - Brennero, Wipptal - Alta Vall'Isarco, South Tyrol, Trentino – Alto Adige/Südtirol, Italy

I try to make some order concerning the ruins of Tabor of Draga (node 2446922919), of Moccó-Zabrežec castle (node 2446922916), and of Fünfenberg/Vikumberg (node 2448428184). I will also discuss the overlapping Lorencan (node 325711255).

These area have been edited/deleted/reverted many times, very likely in good faith believing to fix errors, but actually introducing wrong names, removing correct ones, and messing up positions. What made things more complicated is that all these localities are referred with names in at least three different languages (German, Italian, Slovenian), and the same applies also to documents. This post is intended to share information about the topic, trying to get these nodes finally correct and stable.

First of all, two useful links showing maps of the area:

Lorencan (aka Sv.Lorenc) is just the name of the spur where the Tabor of Draga is erected. It hosts also an archaelogical site. Source:

While the locations of the Moccó and Draga castles are quite clear (near Moccó and Draga, where else?), it is Fünfenberg / Vikumberg that causes some problems.

According the the book “Guida del Carso Triestino” von Dante Cannarella, 1970, Vikumberg/Fünfenberg is a synonym of Moccó.

According to “I castelli del Carso medioevale”, cited in “the castle Fünfenberg, also known as Vicumbergo, was located on a spur over the houses of Botazzo”, “it was known at the end of its existence as Tabor of Draga”.

The two above citations are wrong and were more recently amended:

According to Radacich in “Val Rosandra. Guida alla sua storia e ai suoi piccolo segreti”, 2009, in fact, “much information were passed from author to author without verifications”

According to a post in a forum about Trieste history ( : “this castle had many names during his history: castle of Draga, of Vicumberg, of Vinchumberg and at end tower of Fünfenberg to distinguish it from another castle of Fünfenberg located not far from the Slovenian locality of Beka”.

According to Italian Wikipedia (, “The Tabor of Draga (historically named Taber, called also erroneously Castle of Draga, in Slovenian Tabor nad Botačem or Draški Tabor) is located … on a spur above the hamlet of Botac - Botazzo, in Rosandra valley”, “The tabor has benn often confused with the medieval castle of Vinchimberch near Beka, of completely different nature and epoch”. Approximately The same in Slovenian Wikipedia (

According to Italian Wikipedia (, “The Castle of Vinchimberch was build on the top of a hill located at the confluence of the Rosandra creek Grižnik creeks, in elevated position, although far from villages and roads”,”1249 the bishop of Trieste allowed Almerico Charsperch to build a castle in locality Dinga”. According to Wikipedia, Dinga should correspond to Pod Lorenzon near Botazzo, although I suppose it corresponds to the nearby Trenka. Anyway both these localities are located on the same hill, so that doesn’t matter very much. The same in Slovenian wikipedia ( )

Both entries in Wikipedia cite:

  • Fulvio Colombo, Il “taber” di Draga e la genesi delle strutture erette a difesa delle incursioni turche nei dintorni di Trieste alla fine del quattrocento, v “Archeografo Triestino”, CX, 2002, str. 285-322
  • Maurizio Radacich, Val Rosandra: guida alla sua storia e ai suoi piccoli segreti, edizioni Italo Svevo, Trieste 2009


1) There are actually three different castle ruins, not just two:

  • Castle of Moccó- Zabrežec (node 2446922916)
  • Tabor di Draga = Tabor nad Botačem = Draški Tabor (node 2446922919)
  • Vinchimberch = Vikumberg (node 2448428184)

2) The name Fünfenberg has been used by some authors for all three castles. To avoid further confusion I would avoid using it as an official name, just as old_name.

3) Lorencan = Sv. Lorenc is just the name of the spur and archeological site where the Tabor of Draga was erected (node 325711255)

Location: Beka, Hrpelje-Kozina, Upravna enota Sežana, Slovenia

Bilingual street names for Slovenia

Posted by Zeno Kugy on 5 January 2014 in English.

A useful list if someone want to map name:hu for bilingual towns in Slovenia:

It contains the official list of all street names from Slovenia.

I have already performed the part concerning name:it, since that was an area I knew and/or where I could perform surveys, but name:hu is still incomplete. This was also a good opportunity to fix wrong names or map unmapped roads.

Lession learnt: don’t rely only on Google Maps when checking street names: sometimes they were inconsistent with surveys and

Location: Dolgovaške Gorice / Hosszúfaluhegy, Lendava / Lendva, 9220, Slovenia