leaflet-openweathermap - the new javascript library for using OpenWeatherMap’s data in Leaflet based maps has got some updates.
It now supports:
- Simple access to all tile layers
- Add your own legend for each tile layer (a few are available out of the box)
- Simple access to current weather data (cities/stations)
- Support for OWM’s free API key
- Caching of current weather items
- Automated refresh of current weather data every n minutes
- Loading indicator (which can be customized or switched off)
- Simple client side clustering of current weather items
- A lot of configuration options to customize what data to display when using the builtin popup
- Provide your own function for generating markers or popups
- Prepared for other languages (en is default, de, ru and fr are available but incomplete yet)
All configuration options and some example code how to use this library are documented on Github - have a look at README.md. A wiki page with a short overview is available, too: User:Zartbitter/OpenWeatherMap
Example map using this library: http://map.comlu.com/openweathermap/
Help needed
Are you an expert in meteorologic terms? Are you speaking German, French or Russian? Or do you want to translate everything to an additional language?
OWM sends weather conditions in English and I need translations to de, ru and fr. Some weather conditions are translated, but some are left to you. The translations are in leaflet-openweathermap.js, L.OWM.Utils.i18n starting at line 812 (at the moment). Please try to use the meteorologic terms used by native weather services.
Feel free to contact me if you want to provide some missing translations (or even a yet unused language).
Get it from Github, it is licensed under CC0
Comment from jongleur1983 on 10 April 2013 at 14:27
Hi. Is that update not online, yet? Your screenshot shows correct attribution, but the owm website itself claims osm data still to be under CCBYSA.
Comment from Zartbitter on 10 April 2013 at 16:43
I wrote a library for Leaflet based maps using OWM’s API to bring OWM’s data tor other maps. You can use my library to include some features of OWM in your map. As I wrote, my example map using this library is here: http://map.comlu.com/openweathermap/
I’m not associated with OWM. Please note that openweathermap.org uses OpenLayers not Leaflet for its map.