ToniE's Comments
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[CR] Rencontre des cartographe toulousain du 19/10/2024 |
Correct, car –check-roundabout=OFF |
Korrektur der Eichstätter Wanderwege | Hallo, das können wir sicherlich machen. Wir sind immer froh über offizielle Quellen/Daten. Die 1. Frage die hier (leider) immer zu stellen ist: Unter welche Lizenz sind die Daten nutzbar, d.h. kann OSM die Daten unter den OSM-Copyright-Bedingungen nutzen? Wir könnten dann die “Tourismus Information Eichstätt” in die Liste der Beitragenden/Mitwirkenden aufnehmen. |
Mapping railway stations accessibility - part 3 | I agree, level= can be useful at any object. However, the author of StreetsGL suggested that level= is defined for buildings - inside buildings - only. That’s why he does not render anything where level starts with a ‘-‘, assuming that this is ‘covered’, underground, … |
OSM Relatify: OpenStreetMap public transport made easy | Sorry, Bus 271 should not point to ‘localhost’ |
OSM Relatify: OpenStreetMap public transport made easy | Wow, this is really awesome! I’ve fixed a bus route within few minutes very easily and the task was quite intuitive. Although collecting the new stops in wrong order, Relatify sorted them correctly, adding stop_position and platform with a single click per location. Bus 271 needs some re-work due to long-lasting constructions in Deining. Relatify excluded the highway=construction and I was able to complete the route with the detour via Ergertshausen (south-west), Sachsenhausen and Hornstein. I did not upload that yet - have to verify the new stops first, based on MVV’s website (we have permission to use that). This is much faster than in JOSM. Thanks for the tool. |
OSM Relatify: OpenStreetMap public transport made easy | PTNA Analysis: done, will be visible first for Australia @ 16:35 UTC today, last for Alaska @ 11:05 UTC tomorrow |
OSM Relatify: OpenStreetMap public transport made easy | Thanks :) |
OSM Relatify: OpenStreetMap public transport made easy | Holger from OpenTransportMeetup just pointed me to that and that you’re going to add code for the load=1 … and that you’re going to present this there on 2023-07-26 (don’t know yet whether I can make it on that day). |
OSM Relatify: OpenStreetMap public transport made easy | Hey, that’s great. How can I directly link to a relation? I consider adding a link per relation in PTNA Like the links to iD, JOSM and PTNA in the 3rd column |
Recursos para la creación de líneas de bus en la CAM | Do you know PTNA which does QA, in Spain currently “only” for Zaragoza? It can easily be extended for other areas/cities as well. |
Fahrradstraßen |
Die access-tags von OSM sind generisch und weltweit sowie langfristig gültig. Welche Anwendung mag sich schon mit traffic_sign=DE:xyz, identisch zu traffic_sign=FR:asd identisch zu traffic_sign=US:ghj rumschlagen. |
Adding Shapefile of National Cycling Routes in Germany | Ähm, sorry I forgot the say: “Thanks for the offer!” I think we will find a way to make use of it. |
Adding Shapefile of National Cycling Routes in Germany | Unfortunately, “Data license Germany – attribution – version 2.0” seems to me not being compatible with OSM. We cannot place the source of every contribution/data on every derived OSM map. OSM is primarily a Data Base. Rendering maps using the data is a second, independent step which can be performed by anyone (also outside the OSM ecosystem, commercial purpose). What we can do is, putting a note on our “Contributors page”. I would like to ask you:
Transport | If you’d like to add more public transport route, kindly have a look at the (currently valid and approved) Public Transport schema (so called: version 2 = “PTv2”) There are some PT QA tools out there
Information about network:route:bus:type custom tag. (deprecated) | What about using |
OverpassQL for downloading bus roads and bus stops data into JOSM | Sorry, wrong URL, typo |
OverpassQL for downloading bus roads and bus stops data into JOSM | Maybe you want to check the bus route relations using PTNA - Public Transport Network Analysis? Check it out: I can add support for your area within few minutes. |
Wanderung mit Ziegen | Ansonsten: heute Abend 20:00 ist OSM-Stammtisch Stuttgart - online Jede(r) ist willkommen, Themen nicht vorgegeben, … |
Wanderung mit Ziegen | Versuche es mal mit Brouter Der ist am flexibelsten, man kann
Removing private trail from map |
Fire Fighters, Police, Rescue, Amazon Logistics, UPS, Post, … may want to use this trail if it leads to a house, … Adding access=private is the right way |