1. Added link passage between building 9 and 6. Fixied link passage between building 9 and main building.

    Closed · #51969446
  2. Added link passage between building 9 and 6. Fixied link passage between building 9 and main building.

    Closed · #51935703
  3. Added link passage between building 9 and 6. Fixied link passage between building 9 and main building.

    Closed · #51935626
  4. Added link passage between building 9 and 6

    Closed · #51929153
  5. Fix the shape of the main building and path from the Mandela monument towards main buidling

    Closed · #50913109
  6. Some of paths go through buildings and other infrastructure where user's device wouldn't pick up a GPS signal

    Closed · #50789642
  7. As a student at the university i found that some of the things weren't correctly placed so i fixed them.

    Closed · #46369941
  8. As a student at the university i found that some of the things weren't correctly placed so i fixed them.

    Closed · #46369881
  9. As a student at the university i found that some of the things weren't correctly placed so i fixed them.

    Closed · #46369866