
Public GPS Traces from Juhaz

by Juhaz

trip from Vaasa to Teuva to Jurva to Vaasa, mostly highway, ~200km.

by Juhaz

Return trip from Sievi to Vaasa, almost exclusively highway with a small bit of forest road

by Juhaz in finland

Geocaching trip from Vaasa to Sievi, about 260km, mostly highway with plenty of small roads thrown in

by Juhaz in vaasa, finland, palosaari

Walking in Palosaari, mostly residential streets.

by Juhaz in vaasa, finland, palosaari

Walking in Palosaari, mostly residential streets and bit of footpath.

by Juhaz in vaasa, finland, palosaari

Walking in Palosaari, mostly residential streets and footpath along shoreline

by Juhaz in vaasa, finland, palosaari

Walking in Palosaari, mostly residential streets.

by Juhaz in vaasa, finland, palosaari

Walking in Palosaari, mostly residential streets.

by Juhaz in vaasa, finland, palosaari

Driving in Palosaari

by Juhaz in vaasa, finland, palosaari

Walking in Palosaari, mostly residential streets.

by Juhaz

trip from Teuva to Kauhajoki, highway, some urban roads

by Juhaz


by Juhaz in vaasa, finland, palosaari

Some roads, plenty of footpath and bit of wharf

by Juhaz in vaasa, finland, palosaari

Few roads in Vaasa