Dear all,
Today, v5.1.0 of the OpenStreetMap Carto stylesheet (the default stylesheet on the OSM website) has been released. Once changes are deployed on it will take couple of days before all tiles show the new rendering.
Changes include:
- Remove way_area filtering for low zoom water (#4060)
- Move small amenities to z18 (#4044)
- Rework admin-boundaries to show admin_level=5/6/7 sooner but admin_level=10 later (#4100)
- Add rendering for addr:flats (#4082) - by @richlv
- Add rendering for man_made=pipeline ways (#4070)
- Add line rendering plus name labels for ridges and aretes (#3767)
- Add rendering for landuse=salt_pond (#4059)
- Remove power=sub_station/station rendering, add power=plant fill color (#4088)
- Remove icon for shop=ice_cream (#4093)
- Remove information=tactile_model rendering (#4086)
- Remove duplicate selection of natural = cave_entrance, peak, volcano, saddle (#4068)
- Move natural=spring back to amenity-points layer (#4069)
- Change quarry outline to 10% darkened quarry color (#4063)
- Change bridge-text way_pixels minimum and maximum (#4066)
- Update Dockerfile keyserver URL for osmadmins PPA (#4079) - by @volcan01010
- Code clean-ups (#4080, #4081, #4083, #4099)
Thanks to all the contributors for this release, including new 2 contributors: @richlv and @volcan01010
For a full list of commits, see…v5.1.0
As always, we welcome any bug reports at
– Joseph Eisenberg
Comment from JVO on 13 April 2020 at 15:26
ah, I was thinking I accidentally broke something when the admin boundaries near the area I was mapping started rendering differently