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Swaziland, Zimbabwe and South Africa entered


Iceland is definitely on our wishlist.

Swaziland, Zimbabwe and South Africa entered

We uploaded about 6000 images of the trip to Mapillary.

After spending mucht time behind a desk myself we are now realizing a 30 years old dream.


Editing of Zambia and Botswana completed


The trip from the Netherlands to South Africa took us about 14 months.

I have many pictures I could upload, but I didn’t find out how I can upload images that are on PC.



Editing of Zambia and Botswana completed

Did you correct it?

Edits Tanzania completed

For sure it was. See

Editing of our travels in Ethiopia completed

Sure, we plan to go back to South Africa in May. See for blog an video links.

OpenPoiMap - aka Taglocator

Works like a charm!

OpenPoiMap - aka Taglocator

It is a very useful and intuitive tool indeed! Do you think it would be possible to show POI’s at lower zoom levels if the POI density is low? For example can I see all campings in Ethiopia in one go (similar to


Jan van Bekkum (

An idea for making it easier to link external data to OSM

A camping that is referred to in for example iOverlander would need an OSM relation anyhow to store information about amenities available at the campsite. See here.

The relation ID could be used for external reference. I would expect that it is more stable than the object ID. For example if two campings merge they would keep the relation ID of one of them (which reflects the real situation).

Editing of our travels in Iran completed

Sure! Our website is