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James Michael DuPont's Diary

Recent diary entries

Intro to Openstreetmap March 29 Lawrence Creates On March 29 at 18:00-21:00 at Lawrence Creates we will be organizing a intro to

Location 512 E 9th St. (9th and NJ), Lawrence, KS 66044-66044 Lawrence United States of America

All are welcome.

Location: East Lawrence, Lawrence, Douglas County, Kansas, United States

relicensing h4ck3rm1k3s data

Posted by James Michael DuPont on 16 January 2012 in English.

I am going to write this one last time here.

1. all of the edits that I personally made, you can relicense.

2. all the imported data, I am not going to put the work into looking into relicensing it.
If you want do, be my guest.

3. If you have questions about specific changesets, just ask me, I will try and remember what I did.

4. I will not agree to the CT with my h4ck3rm1k account, that would be perjury.

5. I am not planning on contributing much to osm on the new account.

6. I will work on creating data that is usable for osm outside of the monolithic databases.

7. I will work on improving the software that osm uses to make it less monolithic and dependant on a central database.

8. I will not sink more time and resources into the license change that I dont agree with.

any time people ask me about this, i will point them here. there are also mails on talk and legal talk.


Location: Lauterborn, Offenbach am Main, Hesse, 63069, Germany

Ideascale for OSM

Posted by James Michael DuPont on 13 January 2012 in English.

Here we are collecting ideas all around OSM on an ideascale,

all are welcome to come and vote on what they think is important and to suggest new ideas.

caution :
the website also contains information about dissenting opinions from the majority view (aka fork),
but all of it is related to OSM and no view is prefered (NPOV), that means it is not a fork website, but one to collect ideas how to improve OSM.

Location: Forst Hain im Spessart, Landkreis Aschaffenburg, Bavaria, Germany