OSM and Gender - Invitation to Online Discussion
Posted by Heather Leson on 18 February 2018 in English.How can we improve the gender balance in participation and in map content? There are some amazing leaders and best practices across the global OSM community.
Before the holidays, we had a vibrant conversation on the OMSF mailing list about gender in OSM. Some great examples of inclusive participation include GeoChicas, YouthMappers, and Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team. It would be great to hear from women and other genders that are often rare voices. With such a large community, we know that there are more people doing great activities to improve engagement.
Kate Chapman and I would like to invite OSM to join us for an online discussion about OSM and Gender. Given that women and other genders are a often a smaller group in OSM, we ask that this conversation start with us. Then, we will be sure to include the wider community.
Some of the potential topics could be: opportunities and challenges to be more inclusive, program ideas to support diversity in OSM. We will define the agenda and next steps in the call. Then, we will report back via OSM diary entries.
Here is a Doodle to be filled out by Thursday, February 22nd at 1700 CET.
Once we collect the best times, I will announce by Friday Feb. 23rd. The first meeting will be held in the Europe, Africa and Americas Time zone.
[Doodle] (https://doodle.com/poll/h63dxtikfe2bvxsz)
The second meeting will be hosted in a timezone friendly for Asia (morning) and Western North/South America. (evening) The call will be hosted on mumble
The OSMF community cited some resources which reflect participation inquiries. Other resources are most welcome. Just add them into the comments.
- Martin Dittus http://search2.ucl.ac.uk/s/search.html?query=dittus&collection=ucl-discovery and http://martindittus.info/ about the impacts of missing maps activities. There is also some stuff at Lesya Palen group, too http://cmci.colorado.edu/~palen/papers.html
- Renate Steinmann, Elisabeth Häusler, Silvia Klettner, Manuela Schmidt and Yuwei Lin 2013: Gender Dimensions in UGC and VGI: A Desk-Based Study, http://hw.oeaw.ac.at/0xc1aa500d_0x002e6e72.pdf
- Monica Stephens, Antonella Rondinone (2012): Presentation at the Association of American Geographers’ Annual Meeting in New York: Gendering the GeoWeb, https://www.slideshare.net/geographiliac/gendering-the-geoweb
- J. Uhlmann, F. Tommasini, H.-J. Stark (2010): Presentation at the FOSSGIS e.V. annual meeting in Osnabrück, Germany: Empirische Untersuchung der Motivation von Teilnehmenden bei der freiwilligen Erfassung von Geodaten, Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz.
- Nama Budhathoki’s PHD thesis - https://www.ideals.illinois.edu/bitstream/handle/2142/16956/1_Budhathoki_Nama.pdf
Thanks and looking forward,
Comment from RebeccaF on 19 February 2018 at 13:55
Sharing some recent research on the HOT Community conducted by Amelia Hunt (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1BskG72I0M1eOSbw6K5QvqpGwPKecJz7l/view?usp=sharing). Section 1.2 shares some current understanding on Gender Inclusion in the HOT Community.
Comment from Walidami on 19 February 2018 at 18:00
J’ai aimé ton commentaire
Comment from Geospa_gal on 20 February 2018 at 09:57
Looking forward to this discussion!
Thanks for sharing the report RebeccaF
Cheers Zoe
Comment from wonderchook on 23 February 2018 at 17:50
The first discussion will take place Monday at 17:00 London time. This will take place on the HOT Mumble server.
Comment from Heather Leson on 23 February 2018 at 18:11
Thanks again to everyone who added their times to the poll. We will aim for more times in the future.
Comment from butrus_butrus on 25 February 2018 at 02:01
Please stop insulting us with your Gender-Religion. OSM definitelly doesn’t need it!
„Opportunities and challenges to be more inclusive“: With OSM everyone already has the same opportunity. Just start mapping!
„Program ideas to support diversity in OSM“: Everyone in OSM already maps whatever he (all genders included) wants and likes to. No need to develop any “programs”.
Comment from russdeffner on 25 February 2018 at 19:17
I disagree butrus_butrus and welcome the discussion.
Comment from SeleneYang on 26 February 2018 at 16:38
Brutus_brutus, why according to you, would talking about diversity and gender inclusion is an insult?