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FraMauro's Diary Comments

Diary Comments added by FraMauro

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Numeri civici in Italia

Grazie mille per la risposta.

Quello che mi ha sempre colpito dei civici è che sono un dato estremamente dibattuto da anni, sentivo il bisogno di rendermi conto della situazione. A me sembra emergere che la situazione in diverse parti d’Italia sia drammaticamente differente.

Ho fatto una analisi simile a questa confrontando diverse città (

Prendendo semplicemente le tre città principali (Roma, Milano e Napoli considerando i residenti), risulta che

  • Milano ha 12396 civici (un civico ogni 108.9 abitanti),
  • Roma ha 7926 civici (un civico ogni 361.7 abitanti),
  • Napoli ha 162 civici (un civico ogni 6001.4 abitanti).

Mi pare evidente che un import a Napoli sarebbe forse necessario, e sicuramente più semplice, visto che esaminare 162 civici può essere fatto a mano, con un po’ di calma. A Milano un import dovrebbe confrontarsi con i 12mila e rotti civici già esistenti.

Numeri civici in Italia

Grazie dei commenti, nel frattempo ho provato a migliorare la leggibilità delle tabelle…..

Due note:

  • vorrei provare dare anche dei dati sulle città, vediamo quando avrò tempo
  • non posso postare nulla come immagine, l’unico modo di far riferimento a immagini è dare un link…. :(
Tell me about your username

I think that a link is enough: Fra Mauro map


Hacer la presentación.

¡Hola, y muchas gracias para añadir datos en OSM!

¿Sabes que tienes muchas informaciones sobre los etiquetados en la wiki?

Por ejemplo aquí tienes explicado come se utiliza “name”, o sea “nombre” :

El nombre no es como tu llamas algo, es como “toda” la gente lo llama. Por eso borré el nombre de tu vivienda como no es el verdadero nombre.

Me permito: cuidado con añadir tus dados personales en OSM, como todo el mundo puede leerlos.

Saludos desde Italia y disculpa si hice errores escribiendo en español!

meu trabalho

Tenha cuidado!

Não onde você precisa digitar é a sua casa como esta: “Casa do Welbert Araujo”

Primeiro de tudo você sabe que no mundo em que vive, e pode não ser a coisa mais inteligente a fazer …

E, em seguida, que não é útil para o mapa. Por exemplo, aqui estão as instruções sobre como mapear os números de casa:

Desculpe se eu não sou claro, mas eu não falo Português, estou usando um tradutor automático!


divirta-se com o mapa!

Attribution and all that (a rant)

About the “OSS projects that would go ballistic”, I am still sorry for a fact of more than a year ago (the link is to my diary, where you can find all the details).

The fact that makes me so sorry is that the thing involves the Mozilla Foundation. They were prompt to reply and to make a fix in their code, yet the demo visible online still calls a map “event” a Googlemap. The only thing changed is that the use of the Stamen tiles is broken….

Best regards and thanks for your work

Empresa reciente en openstreetmap

Muchas gracias por haber añadido Vuestra empresa. Ententè contribuir con otros detalles en Vuestras cercanias.

Cuidese con el diario: todols los usuarios de Openstreetmap (los que estan mapeando!) lo van a leer! Algo demasiado similar a autopromocion va a ser leido como spam.

Espero que non haya hecho demasiados errores: el español no es mi lengua.

What is the OpenStreetMap convention? Do we tag addresses on buildings or on separate nodes?

I also tried to have some clarifications on housenumbers some time ago: Amenity/shop with multiple housenumbers. How to map it?.

Basically I have two problems with the issue “housenumber on building way”:

  1. here in Italy you can find not only more than one housenumber per building, but also more than one housenumber per amenity. For example one shop can have several housenumbers, and not all the housenumbers are entrances

  2. given 1) I find more logical to find the thag where the plate is positioned. Take also into account that here the “grouping” of the housenumbers can change. An example: first shop with housenumbers (1, 3, 5); second shop with housenumbers (7, 9). After a restructuration you could have first shop with housenumbers (1, 3); second shop with housenumbers (5, 7); third shop with housenumbers (9). Not having the nodes could make managing these changes more difficult.

Using OpenStreetMap on a daily basis


You can also use Openlinkmap.

Using that site you can click on the POIs (your second point) to show the information. On the lower part of the “bubble” that you have when you click on a POI you have several options. For example you can have a second level of details (intuitively is called “More Details”).

You can also quickly have a link (your fourth point). There are three possibilities: * “Permalink” gives a link to the POI using Openlinkmap * “Details” gives a link to the POI page (the same you get with your procedure) * “HTML-Code” gives the code to embed the map in a HTML file

Inserimento numeri civici di Firenze

Complimenti, un ottimo lavoro! Davvero utile, conto di dargli uno sguardo con calma.

Una piccola nota, me ne sono accorto per caso. Credo di aver trovato due civici ripetuti:

Percorso 175201998 addr:housenumber: 85,87 addr:street: Viale Corsica

Nodo 2361952421 addr:housenumber: 87 addr:street: Viale Corsica

Nodo 2361950498 addr:housenumber: 85 addr:street: Viale Corsica

Provo ad aggiungere una nota


When you access to the OSM website look at the left part. Just over the “GPS tracks” you will find the “user diaries”.

Here is the “trick” :-)

Incontro dei mappatori di Roma e dintorni

Ecco il link alla pagina della wiki sull’incontro:

Incontro dei mappatori di Roma e dintorni

Alcune note:

  • chi è interessato a partecipare scriva in mailing list o lasci un commento qui
  • ci dovremmo vedere DENTRO Eataly, alla birreria. Cercheremo di essere identificabili con un simbolo OSM in vista
  • cercate di seguire la mailing list (o questo diario utente) per eventuali modifiche del luogo di incontro per motivi logistici
Kabupaten in Papua / Districts in Papua Province, Indonesia

Hi, just a dumb question: did you verify the license of the boundaries you are importing?

Have a look at this: Make sure data license is OK

I looked at the link you provide but I don’t understand the language.

Feel free to ask for clarifications if you need. Feel also fre to ignore my message if you were already aware of the data license issue.

Cheers, FraMauro

Small fix to osm2pgsql commited

First of all I would like to thank you for it’s really quite useful! I already noticed the fact that all the housenumbers “on” the building were rightly identified.

I just wanted to signal another possibility for the housenumber localization; maybe you’ll find it interesting. Sometimes the housenumber is on the fence that surrounds the building.

Take for example this building: way 33381972 It is a school. Apparently no housenumber.

Yet the school is surrounded by a fence: way 39419103

The node 443720945 is part of the fence and shows the housenumber.

Thanks again for your map!

Amenity/shop with multiple housenumbers. How to map it?

you understood it perfect…..

The solution you propose is obviously the “perfect one”. The only problem with it is that you have to know the internal structure of the building. I can walk on the streets and take note of the housenumbers, of the shops and their names,…. mapping also the internal walls is too much for me.

So I was trying to find a “second best” solution. I was looking for suggestion on it.

Thank you

Subir Mapas

unos comentarios (y desculpa por los errores en español)

Lo primero es comprender de quien sonos los datos. Tu creaste el mapa? Si es asì tienes el derecho de subir los datos en OpenStreetMap. Si no es asì tienes que tener mucho quidado. Puedes subir el mapa solo si la licencia lo permite. Aquì enquentras la licencia de la mapa de OpenStreetMap: Al final habla de quien sube mapas sin tener el derecho

Secundo: la comunidad. Los mapeadores de tus cercanias, de tu Pais. Lees aquì: Quizas encontraras alguien que pueda aconsejarte, y decirte si algo similar ya fue hecho. Aun mas, sobredoto si el mapa que quieres subir es ancho, es bueno decirlo antes y entender como no destruir el trabajo hecho da otros.

Tercero: bueno, y como lo haces? De veras no lo se! Pero si miras sobre el wiki puedes encontrar info utiles. En unos minutos encontre:

que hicieron algo similar y dan muchos detalles y tambiel los programas que desarrollaron

Aqui enquentras muchas paginas relacionadas:

!Buen trabajo!

Amenity/shop with multiple housenumbers. How to map it?

Thank to everybody for the comments.

It seems that I did not explain clearly my issue.

About the first suggestion: Map the amenity as an area, ie the building outline (assuming it fills the whole building)

The amenity does NOT fill the whole building. If you follow the link you will find a building which has several things at the ground floor: a bank, the entrance to the flats at upper floors, other shops/amenities. This is quite a typical situation.

The other part: If it has a range of housenumbers, you could tag that, eg addr:housenumber=5,7,9 etc…

I understand that you propose to tag the area like this. This way the exact position of each housenumber is lost, This can be important: think that the bank of the example span over three sides of the buildin, so to know the exact position can be useful and also divverent houesnumbers can belong to different streets.

About the second suggestion: Building entrances can be tagged with the entrance tag.

Yes. I cited it and used it. But thank you anyway. And more, I don’t know if it’s correct to talk about “building entrances”. For me the building entrances are the entrances to the flats at the upper floors, the others are the shops entrances

Possible license infringement!!!

messed up something with the mark up (or Markdown :-) …)

here is the text in a more readable form

Updates. First answer after less than two hours. Here it is:

Thanks for the feedback, We’ve filed a ticket in our issue tracker to get this fixed (I quoted your email). Glad you spotted it. -Bobby

and then:

In case you were curious, here is the ticket:

I tried to suggest to use more OSM tiles. Here is my mail:

Thank you very much for you prompt reply, Robert. I have seen the screenshot, indeed you acted very quickly. Just a note: OpenStreetMap ( provides other maps that you could use. Some of them are available on the site, some other from people like Stamen. If you are interested, this could be a good starting point: Best regards,

the answer is that they are planning to work more with OSM in the future.

So, if someone wants to get in touch with them to explain all the details of the license change or to explore all the possible collaborations, I can provide further details on the mail interchange. For me this is an acceptable result.