FrédéricB's Notes
Notes submitted or commented on by FrédéricB
Id | Creator | Description | Created at | Last changed | |
2779290 | FrédéricB | tables et poubelles retirées. a verifier |
3058552 | FrédéricB | Carrefour en double giratoire via StreetComplete 39.1 |
2992903 | FrédéricB | Unable to answer "What kind of fire hydrant is this?" for via StreetComplete 38.2: Bouche non visible le 02/01/22. Supprimee ? |
3440453 | FrédéricB | Panneau d'information nature via StreetComplete 49.1 Attached photo(s):
2780486 | FrédéricB | Unable to answer "Is this still here? (Picnic Table)" for via StreetComplete 33.1: poubelle piéton seulement |
2780674 | FrédéricB | chemin (rue? deux maisons sont adressees) manquant via StreetComplete 33.1 |
3106341 | FrédéricB | Unable to answer "What is the material of this power or utility pole?" for via StreetComplete 41.2: Reseau effacé au 27/03/2022 |
3000283 | FrédéricB | Unable to answer "Are these opening hours for La table de seb (Italian Restaurant) still correct?" for via StreetComplete 38.2: Mauvaise localisation du restaurant |
4423443 | FrédéricB | Supports de ligne non visibles sur PCRS Raster |
2972166 | FrédéricB | Deux poteaux non visibles sur la BD ortho |