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FrédéricB's Notes

Notes submitted or commented on by FrédéricB

Id Creator Description Created at Last changed
closed 2779290 FrédéricB

tables et poubelles retirées. a verifier

closed 3058552 FrédéricB

Carrefour en double giratoire

via StreetComplete 39.1

closed 2992903 FrédéricB

Unable to answer "What kind of fire hydrant is this?" for via StreetComplete 38.2:

Bouche non visible le 02/01/22. Supprimee ?

closed 3440453 FrédéricB

Panneau d'information nature

via StreetComplete 49.1

Attached photo(s):

closed 2780486 FrédéricB

Unable to answer "Is this still here? (Picnic Table)" for via StreetComplete 33.1:

poubelle piéton seulement

closed 2780674 FrédéricB

chemin (rue? deux maisons sont adressees) manquant

via StreetComplete 33.1

open 3106341 FrédéricB

Unable to answer "What is the material of this power or utility pole?" for via StreetComplete 41.2:

Reseau effacé au 27/03/2022

closed 3000283 FrédéricB

Unable to answer "Are these opening hours for La table de seb (Italian Restaurant) still correct?" for via StreetComplete 38.2:

Mauvaise localisation du restaurant

open 4423443 FrédéricB

Supports de ligne non visibles sur PCRS Raster

open 2972166 FrédéricB

Deux poteaux non visibles sur la BD ortho