I've been spending perhaps too much time fixing problems identified by http://keepright.ipax.at/. For reasons I don't understand, the USA TIGER import seems to have more problems of certain types in certain areas. For example, a lot of roads in Washington state seem to have layer tags for no apparent reason.
It would be nice if there was a way to correct more than one problem at a time, as loading Potlatch for each change is slow. I'm using a G5 Mac, so I can't use its JOSM option...right? This would be particularly useful for making changes like joining roads that are split across county lines.
Comment from Baloo Uriza on 24 February 2010 at 07:25
JOSM is Java...if you have Java6, it should work.
Comment from Chaos99 on 24 February 2010 at 12:27
On a G5 Mac you don't have Java6.
Even SoyLatte (an altenative Java6 implementation for Mac OS <=10.4) needs an intel proccessor.
Your only chance is to ask for the last Java5 version on the JOSM mailing list.
Comment from lebsanbe on 24 February 2010 at 19:27
Can't you just compile OpenJDK on a G5? I'm no Mac user, just wondering.
Comment from Dion Dock on 24 February 2010 at 23:52
I should have been more clear. Keepright has a JOSM and a Potlatch option for fixing errors. While my Mac has JOSM as a standalone bundle, choosing the JOSM option in Keepright does nothing, presumably because it's trying to launch the "JOSM in a browser" version...right?
Comment from Vclaw on 25 February 2010 at 00:44
For those links in Keepright to work, you need to install the remote control plugin for JOSM, and have JOSM runnning when you click on the link.
Comment from xeen on 26 February 2010 at 04:42
As Vclaw pointed out, you'll need the RemoteControl plugin to get the links working. Also, if you are stuck with Java 5, the next "tested" version of JOSM will be the last that builds upon Java 5. Future versions very likely require Java 6 or equivalent (i.e. OpenJDK, as lebsanbe suggested).
Comment from Dion Dock on 26 February 2010 at 06:11
@Vclaw: Yes! that's exactly what I need. Thanks.