From an email:
I've typically been trying to mark paved paths has highway=footway, unpaved walking paths as highway=path and signed bike lanes as highway=cycleway. If I'm feeling extra energetic, I'll also tag with bicycle=yes/no, and so on. My inspiration is the pictures on the OSM wiki,, particularly and
Any others in Oregon agree with me?
Comment from wallclimber21 on 5 August 2009 at 03:43
This guy may be from California, but he totally agrees nonetheless.
Comment from Dion Dock on 5 August 2009 at 05:02
Sorry, not to knock the other 49 states. :) I'm under the impression that the various regions tend to do things similarly based on what the local map looks like. It seems pretty difficult to get the entire state/country/world to agree on the same standards. Maybe that's another diary entry.