Mapathon to import height data for San Francisco buildings
Posted by Chetan_Gowda on 7 March 2017 in English.Maptime SF/MaptimeOAK and Mapbox SF are hosting a Mapathon on March 14th, Tuesday at 6:30 pm PST to import building heights. Please RSVP to SF OpenStreetMap Community to be a part of this awesome project.
Image from Wikipedia
San Francisco has building footprints, Points of Interest, and traffic signals for the entire city in OpenStreetMap. All these map features makes San Francisco as one of the well mapped cities on OpenStreetMap. In 2016, the San Francisco city Government published LiDAR-derived building footprints that include both geometry and height information. One of the goals of the SF OpenStreetMap community is to add height information to existing buildings in OpenStreetMap.
To jump in quickly into the project, do check the OpenStreetMap wiki to know more and talk to the community on Gitter to get involved. Also, make sure to create a dedicated OSM import account before jumping into the task and post it here.