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Alain Le Pilote's Notes

Notes submitted or commented on by Alain Le Pilote

Id Creator Description Created at Last changed
closed 3613242 Alain Le Pilote

Unable to answer "What are the opening hours here?" for via StreetComplete 51.1:

Restaurant closed for a couple of month and for now there's refurbishement works being carried out. No idea what would come out of it
Restaurant fermé depuis quelques mois et pour l'instant c'est en travaux. Aucune idée de ce qu'il y aura ensuite.

closed 2981555 Alain Le Pilote

Building destroyed (fleuriste). New building being built. This includes the house on the next parcel

via StreetComplete 38.2

Attached photo(s):

closed 2570034 Alain Le Pilote

Unable to answer "Is La Jardinière (Florist) wheelchair accessible?" for via StreetComplete 30.1:

futur immeuble

closed 2981556 Alain Le Pilote

Maison détruite. Construction d'un nouvel immeuble.

via StreetComplete 38.2

closed 160783 Odette Car

Maison paroissiale

closed 160785 Odette Car

Centre catholique d'Information "Saint Jérôme"