
Implementing more and more touch events into “TosmE” by coding each separately got difficult. I thought about a touch-gesture-recognition module. A web search presented a lot of ready to use solutions.

One of them was Dojo. Dojo is also used by the upcoming JavaScript editor iD. So I read some tutorials and tried to realize the features of TosmE with DoJo. Well, it wasn’t easy. I missed an Index how to solve certain functions. And I missed examples. So my soluton was cartainly ugly but it worked so far. I could set new nodes and move them.

But the Dojo modules dojo/mouse dojox/gesture don’t support all the extras I did with plain JavaScript. I differ between steady and moved object untouching for example. I wanted a Z-like gesture for undo. And so on.

That’s no dead end, Dojo is ought to be extended. At last, I learned a lot about event driven coding instead of time cycles. There are other frameworks with much more features. This looks fine. iD is extendig to other frameworks to, we will see.


Comment from Zverik on 22 January 2013 at 15:26

Hi! I’ve checked your project (not on a tablet, but still), and it it very great. Please keep working on it. I’d like to see an ability to create multiple objects and to zoom in and out and pan work area, for a start. Magnifier is an excellent idea.

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