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Posted by Muluba on 26 September 2024 in English.

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I really wanted to participate in the State of the Map 2024 in Kenya to broaden my horizons, understand what is happening under other skies and exchange with members of other communities to draw from their experience: How they are organized and how they stay dynamic. My illusions found a dazzling light, from the moment the scholarship team accepted my application. I was so happy like my wedding day. 😃

The 3 days were each particularly better, the different subjects selected were breathtaking

SotM2024 Group PhotoWith many people we knew each other by face only through video conferences. I had the privilege of meeting exceptional people full of good qualities. The smiles, the mutual respect, the solidarity, the brotherly love, the sincerity, the courtesy among the participants was exceptional. I really appreciated the social cohesion of the Community it is the result of community engagement which has already fostered this feeling of belonging and solidarity. Fortunately, this community engagement has already created a solid social fabric, strengthened interpersonal relationships and promoted collective well-being. Well done to anyone who worked on online community engagement.

During and after these 3 days of joy and discovery.

The second day, I had the privilege of serving as a volunteer to take care of the Micro-player in the room MAASAI MARA. I also found the opportunity to develop skills, self-confidence and leadership through volunteering. take care of the Micro-player in the room MAASAI MARA

When the Big manger, the community Project Lead Geoffrey Kateregga did a briefing with all the volunteers to reassure themselves of the same understanding of the principles so that everything goes well in the different conference rooms. At the end of this briefing, I realized that the success of a major conference requires the involvement of everyone. I encourage volunteering on days like this, because it allows you to feel effective by making yourself useful while developing self-esteem. Texte alternatif

Many thanks Zachariah Muindi And Laura Mugeha fo having thought to this: A Replicable Model for OpenStreetMap Training Programs in High Schools This approach is power for a sustainable community. Texte alternatif

Séverin Ménard and Michael Montani, thank you also for this workshop on data validation: Hands-on data validation on OSM: best practices and tools. Personally I used OSMOSE for quality control and for online validation workshops, I was reinforced in technique and skills by your presentation. Séverin Ménard

The particular situation of the DRC required a lot of effort, Thank you Claire Halleux for developing this theme: Improving data homogeneity across a country, in the context of the DRC. I think this model is ok, it can work in the DRC, this approach here: A Replicable Model for OpenStreetMap Training Programs in High Schools. Texte alternatif

The open questions session OSMF Board AMA, allowed understanding of the close collaboration between the OSM foundation and the board of directors. I followed with great attention the question about the local chapters of the OSM foundation. If I understood correctly, for a local community to be a local chapter, there is conditions to be met Texte alternatif

Another session I was looking forward to attending on HOTOSM Voting Member Meet up. In this meeting, the President of the Voting Member spoke about VM’s involvement in HOTOSM activities and recalled the role of VM. We had the joy of meeting physically to discuss HOTOSM Living Strategy. To this I say a big thank you to all the VMs who participated in the session, in the debate, the location question was the hot point.Texte alternatif

Somewhere I heard this term The stylish HOT Voting Members Chair apply to me, I don’t know how this came about, but hey, it doesn’t break the tiles.🤩 Texte alternatif

I say thank you to the organizing team of this global event in Africa and to all the partners, as well as everyone who, directly or indirectly, made the success of this conference possible.

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Well, if it were up to me, I’d like to be regular at State of the Map.












Posted by Raquel Dezidério Souto on 26 September 2024 in Brazilian Portuguese (Português do Brasil). Last updated on 29 September 2024.
O promoveu o Seminário em apoio ao Rio Grande do Sul, com a participação de cientistas que atuaram durante a fase crítica do desastre.

As apresentações de palestras incluíram abordagem sistêmica no planejamento ambiental; mapeamento colaborativo; softwares livres e dados abertos na redução de riscos de desastres; e geografia crítica.


O estado do Rio Grande do Sul (Brasil) foi acometido por um dos maiores desastres socioambientais do Brasil, com 173 mortes, 478 municípios atingidos (do total de 497) e cerca de 2,3 milhões de pessoas afetadas, segundo os dados da Defesa Civil do Estado [1].

No entanto, a importância dos dados abertos e dos programas livres ainda não está clara para muitos gestores públicos e outros atores, o que leva à ineficácia das ações e das políticas de prevenção e mitigação dos danos causados por desastres. O Instituto Virtual para o Desenvolvimento Sustentável - tem realizado ações abertas ao público, há alguns anos, no sentido de contribuir para o aumento da conscientização a respeito das oportunidades proporcionadas pelo software livre e pelos dados abertos, em diferentes contextos. Nessa via, o tem atuado também na formação de novos(as) mapeadores(as) do OpenStreetMap, mantendo um curso de capacitação on-line e completo, disponível em, com emissão de certificados, duas vezes ao ano.

Durante o período do desastre ocorrido no Rio Grande do Sul, o teve um papel importante no levantamento dos dados e informações, para auxiliar na campanha de mapeamento e na sua disponibilização na Wiki OSM. Para colaborar com a campanha de mapeamento colaborativo, foi disponibilizado o projeto 16706, na plataforma HOT Tasking Manager, tendo a Bacia Hidrográfica Taquari-Antas como área de interesse. Este projeto permite que as pessoas de todo o mundo possam colaborar para completar os dados sobre edifícios, vias e hidrovias, em uma das regiões mais afetadas pelo desastre. O mesmo projeto foi utilizado na oficina de mapeamento de waterways no OSM, realizada em 10 de maio de 2024, ministrada por Séverin Ménard, em uma fase crítica do desastre. Assista ao vídeo aqui.

Vídeos das sessões ao vivo

O Seminário em apoio ao Rio Grande do Sul é uma realização do Instituto Virtual para o Desenvolvimento Sustentável -, em parceria com os capítulos YouthMappers UERGS e YouthMappers Unipampa. Agradecemos pelo patrocínio do Wiki Apoia, programa de apoio a iniciativas inovadoras, fomentado pelo Wiki Movimento Brasil - WMB.

Pessoas de diversos estados brasileiros e de Moçambique participaram das sessões, on-line e ao vivo, do seminário, acompanhando inicialmente as palestras no canal do Prevê-se a disponibilização dos vídeos editados e cópia das palestras em PDF, na Wikimedia Commons, sob a licença Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0 International (CC-BY-SA 4.0).

Primeiro dia - 25/09/2024 - Participação pública e abordagens sistêmicas para a redução de riscos de desastres Assista aqui ao vídeo.
  • Iniciativas de mapeamento colaborativo e comunicação por mapas, no suporte à gestão de desastre: enchentes de maio no Rio Grande do Sul Profa. Dra. Tatiana Silva da Silva (UFRGS) - PDF

  • Enfoque sistêmico para a gestão ambiental Prof. Dr. Milton Asmus (FURG) - PDF

  • Anoiteceu em Porto Alegre: percepção de riscos e planejamento urbano e regional Prof. Dr. Ricardo Dagnino (UFRGS)


Segundo dia - 27/09/2024 - O desafio do mapeamento colaborativo frente a desastres complexos Assista aqui ao vídeo.
  • O Fomento à Ciência Cidadã na resposta a emergências Profa. Dda. Fabiane Wiederkehr (UERGS) - PDF

  • Dados abertos e programas livres para a redução dos riscos de desastres PD Dra. Raquel Dezidério Souto (IVIDES DATA e GeoCart-UFRJ) - PDF

  • O poder e os desafios dos mapeamentos colaborativos na gestão de riscos de desastres Profa. Dra. Ivana Almeida de Figueiredo Jalowitzki (IESB) - PDF


Resultados esperados com a realização deste evento
  • Despertar para a importância do mapeamento colaborativo, em diversos contextos, não apenas no da redução de riscos de desastres (RRD);

  • Despertar para a relevância dos programas livres e dos dados abertos, no âmbito da redução de riscos de desastres, como meio de facilitação das atividades relacionadas à prevenção e mitigação dos desastres;

  • Mapeamento da Bacia Hidrográfica Taquari-Antas, via tarefas de mapeamento, disponíveis no gestor HOT Tasking Manager (projeto 16706);

  • Documentar os dois dias de evento, sendo disponibilizados vídeos, fotografias e PDFs, com acesso público na Wikimedia Commons e nas páginas Wiki relacionadas; e

  • Ampla divulgação do material na página do e nas redes sociais das universidades e grupos comunitários envolvidos.


A pesquisadora agradece aos participantes e palestrantes do evento, e à parceria com os capítulos locais do YouthMappers, UERGS e Unipampa, e com os grupos comunitários nacionais de mapeadores do OpenStreetMap, especialmente, ao grupo OSM RS e ao OSM Brasil. Também agradecemos a oportunidade de utilizar a plataforma on-line para gestão de tarefas de mapeamento colaborativo, HOT Tasking Manager, do Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team. Agradecemos ao Wiki Movimento Brasil e Wikimedia Commons, que oportunizaram o patrocínio (dos brindes e do apoio técnico) e a publicação aberta do material audiovisual, gerado pelo evento, respectivamente.


[1] Dados para 10/06/2024.® é uma marca registrada.

imagem evento


Location: Vila Mariante, Venâncio Aires, Região Geográfica Imediata de Santa Cruz do Sul, Região Geográfica Intermediária de Santa Cruz do Sul - Lajeado, Rio Grande do Sul, Região Sul, Brasil

UMBRAOSM - the union of Brazilian openstreetmap mappers celebrates Free Software Week in Brazil 2024 with a mapathon in Bairro Corrego do Genipapo, city of Recife-PE - Brazil, on 27/09 at 10:30am Brasília time, UTC-3 .

Task Manager: #TM17643

Programming of activities;

Mapatona can be followed through our YouTube channel;

Collaborative mapping in the Corrego do Jenipapo neighborhood - Recife-PE_27-09_10:30

Contact: Email:


Location: Córrego do Jenipapo, Recife, Região Geográfica Imediata do Recife, Região Metropolitana do Recife, Pernambuco, Região Nordeste, Brasil
Posted by Zkir on 25 September 2024 in Russian (Русский). Last updated on 26 September 2024.

Кто-нибудь умеет в нейронные сетки?

Кажется, технологии созрели в достаточной степени для того, чтобы генерить нейросетками хотя бы двумерные изображения зданий по словесным описаниям, сделанными из тегов.

Я попробовал Кадинского. Рисует он неплохо, но архитектурная терминология для него ничего не значит, и в добавок он считать не умеет.

Промт: “Здание железнодорожного вокзала в псевдорусском стиле четыре этажа, акварель.” Фантазия нейросетки. провинциальный вокзал

Неплохо. И правда напоминает провинциальный вокзал, но искусственный мозг не понимает, что у здания должен быть вход. (А у вокзала еще и обязательно с двух сторон, хе-хе.) Требование про четыре этажа проигнорировано.

Промт: Белая шатровая церковь в стиле нарышкинское барокко, с пятью куполами, акварель.

Фантазия нейросетки. Белая шатровая церковь

Искусственный мозг не понимает ни что такое “нарышкинское барокко”, ни что такое “шатровая церковь”.

Промт: Восьмиэтажный жилой дом в стиле сталинский ампир, акварель. Фантазия нейросетки. Жилой дом в стиле сталинский ампир

Уже ясно, что считать мы не умеем, но по крайней мере у здания есть карнизы (внушительный карниз – элемент стиля ампир). На подъезде какая-то надпись, похоже хотелось нарисовать гостиницу :)

Кажется, это всё можно улучшить обучающей выборкой. Возьмется кто?

Posted by Supaplex on 25 September 2024 in English.

I am happy to receive the HOT Open Summit scholarship to attend the State of the Map 2024 held in Kenya. I can give a lecture on-site. But unfortunately, I got influenza and felt very ill during my trip to Kenya. Most of the time I have to stay in bed. So sad I can’t join the meeting during the conference.

on site (Photo credit: Arnalie)

I had to skip the first day of the conference in the first day due to illness. But I feel better the second day. The conference was held in the hall in Nairobi Tower, University of Nairobi, which is quite comfortable for all of us attendees. This is my third State of the Map, the second time in person.

It seems that the conference was held in Africa and quite a distance from most of the OpenStreetMap contributors. There is a much smaller size compared to other years’ State of the Map conference. It is still a very valuable experience. Face-to-face communication is still the most effective way to communicate between OpenStreetMap contributors.

I have reached a milestone: I met all major OpenStreetMap editors’ developers. This time I met the developer behind Go Map!!. He said he had email communication with the heavy Taiwanese Go Map!! user yellowsoer. And his wife is a Taiwanese. We talked during the second day night’s party, and compared how many animals we had encountered during our safari trip. We have arranged to have a meeting during their visit to Taiwan.

For my talk, I shared my experience of importing address nodes in Taiwan. During the talk, I mentioned what the Taiwanese community is working on. One of the attendees asked me about how to syndicate new and old address datasets. I told him honestly that we haven’t had any system way to deal with the syndicate issue. If there are wrong data, we just fit it, following the OpenStreetMap rules.

State of the Map 2024

Map Kibera is an early example of OpenStreetmap, which emphasizes the unofficial part of OpenStreetMap, and a pre-project before the forming of HOT. Kibera is a slum in Nairobi, and most of the commercial and official maps have no interest in anointing the place. After 15 years, we have the chance to review what Map Kibera has done. An obvious thing is, you have to own a GPS device to record paths, but now there are so many tools available. The unchanged stuff is, that we still need people organized and participant

I also attended the Strava session, sharing how they analyzed the GPS track they aggregated. And Taichi Furuhashi’s talk is about smart cities.

Strava ▲ Strava session analysis GPS track by users.

I admitted I felt ill during the State of the Map conference. not possible to do the volunteer task that I should do. I am looking forward to the Wikimania 2025 in Kenya, perhaps that will be held in the same venue at the University of Nairobi, more people attend and might have the chance to come.

Location: City Centre sublocation, Starehe location, Nairobi, CBD division, Starehe, Nairobi County, Nairobi, 00300, Kenya

真歡喜得到HOT Open Summit的補助金參與這改佇肯亞舉行的State of the Map 2024,會當去現場發表我的演講主題。毋過真可惜去的時陣破病,倒佇眠床休養,無法度有真濟佮參與者的互動。

on site (圖片:Arnalie翕相)

大會第一工倒佇眠床規工,第二工才有法度去會場。佇大學內底的高塔建築Nairubi Tower的會議中心舉行,算是真四序的場地。這是我第三改參與State of the Map,第二改現場參與。可能因為去非洲的路途較遠,整體規模較細,毋過會當面對面交關是真寶貴的體驗。家己有拄著一个編輯器開發者,伊共我講伊熟似yellowsoer,佮伊反應Go Map!!的問題。𪜶太太是台灣人,所以一直佮𪜶翁仔某開講。𪜶講欲來台灣一逝,到時欲來聚會。


State of the Map 2024

別人的演講部份,有請頂港有名聲的Map Kibera 的人來講。Map Kibera是足早期的 OpenStreetMap 專案,算是 HOT 成形前的集體行動。Kibera 是 Nairubi 的散食人蹛的所在,所以商業地圖是無興趣來記錄的所在。15年了後佇奈洛比的State of the Map回顧,真有意義。當年愛有特定的管道有GPS機器才會當畫GPS跤跡,如今工具愈來愈濟,毋過抑是愛有人參與才有意義。


Strava ▲ Strava 議程講𪜶利用GPS跤跡來分析。


Location: City Centre sublocation, Starehe location, 内罗毕, CBD division, Starehe, 内罗毕郡, 内罗毕, 00300, 肯尼亚 / 肯亞

SotM 2024 scholars group photo

With my State of the Map Working Group - communications hat 👒 , one thing that really put a smile on my face is checking the stats of scholarships given! 😍

Quick stats re scholars from the OSMF SotM WG & Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team #HOTOpenSummit Travel Grant Programs:

  • 💻 10 online scholars
  • ✈ 50 in-person scholars
  • 🌍 🌎 🌏 from 27 countries
  • 💛 💜 24 women : 36 men
  • 1️⃣ 80% attended their first #StateoftheMap conference!
  • plus 29 🎟 were given for free!

I cannot express enough how amazing it feels to see this stats. As someone who got exposed more to OpenStreetMap community after attending her first global SotM conference six years ago (my diary here), this gave me much hope and encouragement that we’re building an inclusive map and community 🗺 🤝

It is one of the best-est part of SotM - having new people and faces attending the conference. That means we’re growing, that means we get to bring SotM to new regions and closer to #OpenStreetMap contributors who hasn’t participated ever; that means they get to experience the global community spirit of the best map; that means they get to learn new things, listen to and share their story ; that means we build not only mappers, but also event organizers, trainers, community builders and connectors! ✊ 💫

We have lots of OSM Contributors in Asia and SouthEast Asia region who hasn’t been to a global SotM, and I couldnt be more happier and excited to host you in our home 🇵🇭 for #SotM2025 ;) [Watch the teaser video here!]

Experience the SotM conference in Manila

Special shoutout to this year’s heart and sweat to run the Travel Grant Programs for SotM2024: Dorothea, Lorenzo Stucchi, Geoffrey Kateregga, Walter Mayeku, James Magige, Kshitij Raj Sharma, and 🍻 to the previous #SotM scholarship teams, the regional/country #SotM travel grant teams, and sponsoring orgs. Know that your impact changes lives… more that you can ever imagine. 🔥
And for the scholars, my challenge to you is… with the new power (knowledge, experience, connections, etc) that you now hold, how will you use / grow it? 🙂 ⚡

PS. Some of the scholars have already shared their reflections and takeaways via writeup/social media post/video, you can check them in the osm wiki:

Posted by DC1ULI on 24 September 2024 in German (Deutsch).

Seit kurzem dabei….

Uli, 61 Jahre aus Gladbeck. Seit Juni 2024 bin ich Mapper und versuche mich in OSM einzuarbeiten indem ich meinen Heimatstadtteil Buttendorf mal genauer betrachte und Fehler berichtige.

Ich freue mich über Kontakte in Gladbeck und natürlich über Hinweise wenn ich mal was falsch editiere.

Bis bald


Location: 45968, Brauck, Gladbeck, Kreis Recklinghausen, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Deutschland

Come closer and let’s have a jiffy conversation… Hear me out. You can only take advantage of so many things when you’re a student, especially when it comes to personal and professional development. I present to you… YouthMappers!

University students who are trained free of charge with different mobile mapping apps, and software to contribute to sustainable development - making our communities visible, especially the deprived communities. Oh no…hold on… A quick question: how committed, dedicated, and volunteered are you to contribute to OpenStreetMap Super proud of y’all… YouthMappers Ghana.

Link to the facebook post with the attached images: (

Location: Little Legon, Legon, Accra, Ayawaso West Municipal District, Greater Accra Region, Ghana
Posted by Calvin Menttor on 23 September 2024 in English.

Giving back to the community has been the focus. On 26_07_24, I had the opportunity to meet the UMaT YouthMappers chapter while attending the 5th WAIMM Students Conference (an annual 3-day conference). I introduced YouthMappers, the basics of JOSM, and OpenStreetMap, especially to the chapter’s ‘youngies’, and explained who we are and what we do. I also shared some success stories to vindicate the benefits of YM, such as broadening interpersonal geospatial knowledge, connecting and networking with like-minded individuals, and belonging to a community of youth who are mappers. We swiftly discussed Mapillary and how it complements JOSM data validation, and also what it takes for a chapter to be sustainable.

Link to the Facebook post with attached images: (

Location: Government Hill, Tarkwa, Tarkwa-Nsuaem Municipal District, Western Region, Ghana
Posted by Calvin Menttor on 23 September 2024 in English.

On March 15th and 16th, OpenStreetMap Ghana (Sir Mawutor) and I visited UCC YouthMappers to familiarize them with how to fly a drone to map and to also map with Mapillary. It turned out to be an excellent result—a massive turnout. Appreciation to Dr. Julia (the Patron) and Dr. Mensah (the GIS lecturer) for creating an enabling environment for the Chapter and to the vibrant TEAM for rendering voluntary service to the membership. This is far-reaching. 🗺️🤌🏾

Link to the facebook post: (

Location: Apewosika, Cape Coast Metropolitan District, Central Region, CC-008-3586, Ghana

I am grateful to YouthMappers for providing me with the knowledge and abilities that would enable me to impact and transform deprived communities and contribute to sustainable development. 52 students, 26 countries, and 49 academic institutions—it was incredible to meet these young future leaders who are enthusiastic, passionate, and have the zeal for change through this inspiring leadership summit in Jamaica.

Big thanks to everyone who helped make the summit a success, including the speakers, navigators, photographers, and event planners. I have learned a lot in addition to mapping by learning about the traditions of my fellow nations and dispelling certain misconceptions about Jamaica, the host nation.

I would again like to thank YouthMappers for giving me international exposure. This built my confidence as a change-ready youth leader. I appreciate the recognition. ( #ymls23 #climateresilience #ymsummit2023 #YouthMappers #equality and #inclusion #ActivatingYouthLeadership

Location: Mount Zion, Saint James, Cornwall County, Jamaica

Once upon a time a bunch of people decided to start collecting informative bits about stuff they‘re concerned with into a geo-referenced database. They mapped streets – hence the name of their experiment – and also PoIs. Records consist of a so-called tags, key-value pairs. In hindsight tags are differentiated into a primary tag, a.k.a. the substance/essence and a number of secondary tags, a.k.a. the attributes. There‘d be e.g. highway=secondary; name=Abbey Road.

One of those days, somebody noticed a problem: They wanted to map a so-called shared-space, where pedal cycles and pedestrians both allowed and traffic sings put up to show that intention. One solution might have been to tag a highway=cycleway;footway. Thereby turning the right hand side of the tag into a list. This looked ugly, a tag no longer would code for a 1:1 relation but a 1:n relation. Users of the data do not like that.

Some pondering later, the idea was born: Put the function/use/arbitrary detail of the mapped entity into the attributes where they can merrily coexist. foot=designated; bicycle=designated should from now on convey what previously was told by the primary tag. Only problem left: What would be the substance then? It must be something generic, something that provides as little information as possible over what the highway key already contains.

This marked the inception of highway=path as a light and unspecific shim over highway. All it says: It is probably narrow (But don‘t depend on that.) You likely will not see cars moving there. (With few exceptions.)

So they married, and everyone lived happily ever after.

Location: West Kilburn, Maida Hill, London, Greater London, England, W9 3EB, United Kingdom
Posted by lonvia on 22 September 2024 in English. Last updated on 7 October 2024.

I’d like to announce the release of the new major version 4 of pyosmium.

pyosmium was originally created as a thin Python wrapper around the osmium library, a fast and flexible C++ library for reading, writing and processing OSM data. With the new version 4, pyosmium adds a convenience layer on top which gives the library a more pythonic feel and speeds up processing considerably.

The most important new features are:

  • Iterative processing. OSM files can now be iterated through with an simple for loop. (Processing a file using handler functions is still possible.)
  • Filter functions allow to quickly skip over uninteresting parts of the file, making it now possible to use pyosmium scripts with large OSM files without pre-filtering.
  • Writers with automatic reference completion. One of the challenges of writing OSM files is that for every way and relation written, you usually also need to write the nodes and members. pyosmium now implements writers which help with that.

Here is an example how to quickly find the most frequent tags used together with amenity=school using the new iterative syntax:

import osmium
from collections import Counter

tag_counter = Counter()
total = 0

for o in osmium.FileProcessor('planet.osm.pbf')\
               .with_filter(osmium.filter.TagFilter(('amenity', 'school'))):
    tag_counter.update([tag.k for tag in o.tags if tag.k != 'amenity'])
    total += 1

for tag, cnt in tag_counter.most_common(10):
    print(f"{cnt:6d} ({cnt*100/total:5.2f}%) {tag}")

Running this on a full OSM planet file takes less than 5 minutes on a 12-core machine with 128GB RAM.

Or do you want to create an thematic extract of schools:

import osmium

with osmium.BackReferenceWriter('schools.pbf', 'planet.osm.pbf',
                                overwrite=True) as writer:
    for o in osmium.FileProcessor('planet.osm.pbf')\
                   .with_filter(osmium.filter.TagFilter(('amenity', 'school'))):

This is done in about 13 minutes. For comparison, osmium-tool’s tags-filter needs about 10 minutes for the same task on the same machine.

There are many more smaller improvements and additions. For a complete list of changes, have a look at the release notes. The improved documentation now comes with a cookbook section with documented examples to get you started.