
0 hours
Ended .
Reason for block:

Hello Arshan Arshan,

you have been using misspelled tags in your mapping, and other users have tried to make you aware of that using changset discussion entries, but you have neither replied nor changed your tagging (see for an example comment).

Please ensure that you read changeset discussions and react accordingly; you should be getting automated emails to your signup address every time someone comments on a changeset of yours.

Also, in you are adding very detailed building outlines and you specify “Self Exploration” as a source. This is not credible; you would have to use professional surveying equipment to derive such detailed measurements yourself. Is it possible that you have been using the “ESRI World Imagery” background layer? But if you have, then where does the information about the building levels come from? Please try to specify a correct source in the future.

This message blocks your account until you have read it; afterwards you will be able to continue normally.

Best wishes
Frederik Ramm
OSMF Data Working Group