1. added lots of houses. marked areas as residential. remaining area north of Calle Loma Bonita may be commercial or mixed. NOTE: roads seem to be misaligned to Esri data by approx 10 ft. #hotosm-project-3671 #HurricaneMaria #PuertoRico

    Closed · #52694218
  2. added lots of houses in NE area of assigned grid #hotosm-project-3671 #HurricaneMaria #PuertoRico

    Closed · #52692880
  3. #hotosm-project-3403, #nepal, #flood, #kll, #biratnagar, #morang

    Closed · #52692082
  4. added some small features using Bing imagery. Imagery from Digital Globe Premium looks totally different in the area of the path. But no dates visible, so can't tell which one is more recent.#hotosm-project-3403, #nepal, #flood, #kll, #biratnagar, #morang

    Closed · #52691800