
nqndwc's Diary Comments

Diary Comments added by nqndwc

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OpenStreetMap is in trouble

Thanks for a considered discussion of this issue. It might be labelled alarmist but I think you are addressing a serious philosphical issuse for OSM and it’s future. I have been a casual editor of OSM for many years (using Potlatch). The reason I can be bothered to do it is that it allows me to add detail to OSM that then appears in the map products I actually use. I have always been conscious of the fact that I am editing a database of spatial data not a map. The separation of the spatial data from the map products created from it is a fundamental feature of OSM that assists many diverse interest groups to engage in the project. Another critical feature is the maintenace of an audit trail that means all edits can be tied back to the people who made them. Peer review is how the quality of the data is assessed. I don’t see how anonymous edits from one particular web mapping site fit this model in any way. If Microsoft see the value in OSM data and want to encourage users to help maintain it why can’t they simply embed links to the range of OSM community sites in Bing Maps? Building their own editing interface with a pseudo OSM “profile” can only be because they have other objectives in mind.