
Missing tiles in Mapnik layer?

Posted by lyx on 28 March 2009 in English.

Is it only me? For a few days now the slippy map has holes with missing tiles in the mapnik layer. Apparently it is not a problem with loading the images, but the images in these spots are never requested (so I don't get a "broken image" icon in those spots but only the blank background). Could it be a browser problem? I'm using SeaMonkey 1.1.15 on FreeBSD.


Comment from wieland on 28 March 2009 at 14:58

Not for me, but can you send an example where you have holes?

Comment from Thommse on 28 March 2009 at 17:14

I wondered about the same problem, that appears yesterday.
The missing tiles were just affected in special zoom-steps.
It doesn't depend on your OS and browser, the same effect on Firefox 3.0.7 and Windows XP.

Comment from Thommse on 28 March 2009 at 17:16

I've checked a missing area, but it seems, everything is fine today :-)

Comment from lyx on 28 March 2009 at 19:06

Unfortunately, not fine for me. I have missing tiles in every zoom level and, using a 1024 x 768 browser window, basically everywhere on the map. On average about a quarter to a third of the tiles are missing; If i clear the cache, close and restart the browser and go back to a spot that I looked at before the same tiles as before are missing.

Comment from lyx on 28 March 2009 at 19:11

On a closer look: All the images served by are missing. I can however load the image directly and it is displayed fine on its own, but even after doing that when the image should be in my cache, it is not displayed in the map.

Comment from Thommse on 29 March 2009 at 10:24

Warte einfach mal 2 Tage ab ;-) ... es kann an den Rechenalgorithmen und dem anschließenden Kacheln der einzelnen Kartenbildern liegen. Ich habe heute wieder ähnliche Effekte in anderen Regionen hier bei mir, aber wiederum nur in bestimmten Zoomstufen.
Sollten in 3 Tagen die Kartenbilder immer noch fehlen, gebe ich dir mal einen Link, um den Server für eine Neuberechnung zu "zwingen" ;-)

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