
kresp0's Diary Comments

Diary Comments added by kresp0

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Aclaración del permiso de usar CC BY en OSM

Hola, hay otra traducción disponible aquí: PermisoCCBY.odt



Gracias por todo el trabajo que has dedicado este tiempo, mejorando la wiki y la base de datos.

Espero que decidas volver algún día, te echaremos de menos hasta entonces.


Maps of Openstreetmap on T-Shirts

I think that you only have to give attribution to OSM contributors. I don’t understand what alexkemp said about using your own code: why not use any open source code to generate the map?

Administradores de Open Street Map - Mapa Satelital

Hola lferreyra,

Si editas en España, puedes usar la ortofoto del PNOA, que está mejor ortorrectificada que Bing. La última versión es de 2017.

Saludos, Santiago

My thoughts on recent actions of DWG

I think Frederik explained it well on his email, and the Disputed Territories policy is very clear as well.

Personally, as a OSM user, I want a database that represent reality and not anything else. So for me it is also obvious that “Crimea needs to be mapped as part of Russia”, because of the “on the ground” principle and the fact that it is common knowledge that Crimea is controlled by Russia. So in my opinion, this decision does not need to be backed up by any document or transcripts, as they are just applying the Disputed Territories policy.

Kilkenni: I agree that we should develop uniform rules for representing territorial disputes if they are not in place (idk about that). I also hope that you can understand that we should map the reality on the ground, following the Disputed Territories policy.

Best regards,

Islas malvinas

Hola Juan,

En la comunidad OpenStreetMap operamos bajo el principio “sobre el terreno”: los nombres, fronteras y descripciones que aparecen en OSM deberían ser los que se usan actualmente en un área particular.

La denominación “Falkland Islands” es correcta en OSM, ya que este es el nombre que se usa actualmente en estas islas. Usamos la etiqueta name:es para representar el nombre en español (Islas Malvinas):

Por ejemplo, puedes consultar un mapa OSM con los nombres en español aquí:

Este documento explica cómo manejamos estas situaciones:

Saludos desde Madrid,

Data import process into OpenStreetMap

Thank you!

I’m missing a link to the Import Guidelines, and to the Licence/Waiver and Permission Templates. There are also [translations into Spanish for the Waiver and Permission templates] (

My suggestion is to contact the local community first, update the proposal in the wiki and then contact the imports list.



Enhorabuena Daniel.

Ya me dirás si puedo ayudar transformando datos.


Plantillas de carta de solicitud de permiso y de exención/autorización

Gracias Marco Antonio.

Por error, subí el original para la CC 4.0 en lugar de la última versión de la traducción. Acabo de solucionarlo:


Bus Stops in Shanghai Municipality

Sorry, I didn’t realize that there are no coordinates :(

Bus Stops in Shanghai Municipality

Ey! The license is WTFPL :D

Why not a manual import to OSM?

Ask me if you need help.

Cemeteries in Texas MapRoulette Challenge now powered by Texas Imagery Service

Tried the challenge and created a cemetery, but I’ve used landuse=cemetery instead of amenity=grave_yard, is it correct?

Punti acqua

Buona domanda. Forse perché le amenity=drinking_water E ‘all’interno leisure=sports_centre.

Sto utilizzando la traduzione automatica.

Screencast importar edificios de Catastro a OpenStreetMap

Muy interesante, gracias!

Drinking water fountains in Brussels

Thank you and congratulations, very nice work!

We are doing the armchair mapping now:

In Madrid there are several kinds of fountains, many of them are broken.

Testing the fountains and making the photos is a lot of work, but the results are very useful. I think we’ll ask for help to local communities for this work, after this import is done.

Drinking water fountains in Brussels


In a few days we’ll begin to manually import the drinking water fountains in Madrid:

Any advice?

Thank you!

Disponibles mapas de Strava para trazado en OSM

Buena noticia! Gracias por informar.