
Here are the parts uploaded:

I have split the data into 500 street packages, just download one .

For example :

I get that and open it with josm :

First you download the osm data into a new layer and compare the two.
Remove all streets from the new data that exist already

Then run the validator, fix all duplicate nodes, then start merging the ends of roads together, with m. use c to combine two ways.
use shift to select many streets. use 3 to zoom to the selected objects. use mouse wheel for zooming.

There is the video I made:

Here is the changeset I made:

Please try this out!

Location: Oshlan, Municipality of Vushtrri / Vučitrn, District of Mitrovica, Kosovo


Comment from Hawkeye on 13 January 2010 at 21:06

done 11400 and 24200!

Comment from h4ck3rm1k3 on 14 January 2010 at 06:46


That is great, anyone can help!

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