
Posted by h4ck3rm1k3 on 17 August 2009 in English.

I have a hacked version of for osm 0.6
it does forests.
source :

patch :

Parameters :
python ./ --lat 42.4052 --lon 20.4782 --threshold 80 -o forest.osm

I used layer 1 of landsat (green)
"" 2 0.52-0.60 µm Green ""
ref :

you can see the forest here :


Comment from h4ck3rm1k3 on 17 August 2009 at 07:26


# Forestwalker 0.0001.
# 2007-07-09: Initial public release (v0.2) by Dshpak
# 2007-07-10: v0.3: Added support for OSM input files. Also reduced start_radius_big, and fixed a division-by-zero error in the degenerate case of point_line_distance().
# 2007-08-04: Added experimental non-recursive Douglas-Peucker algorithm (--dp-nr). Added --startdir option.
# 2007-08-06: v0.4: Bounding box support (--left, --right, --top, and --bottom), as well as new --josm mode for JOSM integration. This isn't perfect yet, but it's a good start.
# 2009-08-17 James Michael DuPont working

"""Lakewalker II - A tool to automatically download and trace Landsat imagery, to generate OpenStreetMap data.

Requires the Python Imaging Library, available from"""

version="Lakewalker II v0.6"

# - Accept threshold tags in OSM input files.
# - Command line options:
# - direction (deosil/widdershins)
# - layer to use (monochrome only?)
# - additional tags for the way
# - Landsat download retries (count and delay)
# - radii for loop detection
# - fname for z12 tile output (list or script)
# - path to tilesGen for z12 script output
# - debug mode (extra tags on nodes) (make this non-uploadable?)
# - The "got stuck" message should output coords
# - Better "got stuck" detection (detect mini loops)
# - Offset nodes outwards by a half-pixel or so, to prevent duplicate segments
# - Automatic threshold detection
# - (Correct/tested) non-recursive DP simplification
# For JOSM integration:
# - Add a --tmpdir option that controls the location of the Landsat
# tiles, the results text file, and the lake.osm file (unless it's
# got an absolute path
# - Add a --nocache option that keeps WMS tiles in memory but not on disk.

import math
import os
import urllib
from PIL import Image
import OSMReader
import time
import optparse

options = None

start_radius_big = 0.001
start_radius_small = 0.0002

dirs = ((1, 0), (1, 1), (0, 1), (-1, 1), (-1, 0), (-1, -1), (0, -1), (1, -1))
dirnames = ["east", "northeast", "north", "northwest", "west", "southwest", "south", "southeast"]
dirabbrevs = ["e", "ne", "n", "nw", "w", "sw", "s", "se"]

class FatalError(Exception):

def message(s):
if options.josm_mode:
print "m %s" % s
print s

def error(s):
if options.josm_mode:
print "e %s" % s
print s

class BBox:
def __init__(self, top = 90, left = -180, bottom = -90, right = 180):
self.left = left
self.right = right = top
self.bottom = bottom
def contains(self, loc):
(lat, lon) = loc
if lat > or lat < self.bottom:
return False
if (self.right - self.left) % 360 == 0:
return True
return (lon - self.left) % 360 <= (self.right - self.left) % 360

def download_landsat(c1, c2, width, height, fname):
layer = "global_mosaic_base"
# style = "IR1"
style = "IR2"

(min_lat, min_lon) = c1
(max_lat, max_lon) = c2

message("Downloading Landsat tile for (%.6f,%.6f)-(%.6f,%.6f)." % (min_lat, min_lon, max_lat, max_lon))
url = ",%0.6f,%0.6f,%0.6f&width=%d&height=%d" % (layer, style, min_lon, min_lat, max_lon, max_lat, width, height)
print url
urllib.urlretrieve(url, fname)
except IOError, e:
raise FatalError("Error downloading tile: %s" % e.strerror)
if not os.path.exists(fname):
raise FatalError("Error: Could not retreive url %s" % url)
print "Got it %s" % fname

def xy_to_geo(xy):
(x, y) = xy
(lat, lon) = (y / float(options.resolution), x / float(options.resolution))
return (lat, lon)

def geo_to_xy(geo):
(lat, lon) = geo
coord = lambda L: math.floor(L * options.resolution + 0.5)
(x, y) = (coord(lon), coord(lat))
return (x, y)

class WMSManager:
def __init__(self):
self.images = {}

def get_tile(self, xy):
fail_count = 0
im = None
while im is None and fail_count < 4:
(x, y) = xy
bottom_left_xy = (int(math.floor(x / options.tilesize)) * options.tilesize, int(math.floor(y / options.tilesize)) * options.tilesize)
top_right_xy = (bottom_left_xy[0] + options.tilesize, bottom_left_xy[1] + options.tilesize)
fname = "landsat_%d_%d_xy_%d_%d.png" % (options.resolution, options.tilesize, bottom_left_xy[0], bottom_left_xy[1])
im = self.images.get(fname, None)
if im is None:
if not os.path.exists(fname):
bottom_left = xy_to_geo(bottom_left_xy)
top_right = xy_to_geo(top_right_xy)
download_landsat(bottom_left, top_right, options.tilesize, options.tilesize, fname)
if not os.path.exists(fname):
raise FatalError("Error: Could not get image file %s" % fname)
im =
self.images[fname] = im
message("Using imagery in %s for %s." % (fname, xy_to_geo(xy)))
except IOError:
error("Download was corrupt...Deleting %s..." % fname)
im = None

if im is None:
message("Sleeping and retrying download...")
fail_count = fail_count + 1

if im is None:
#if os.path.exists(fname):
# print open(fname).readlines()
raise FatalError("Couldn't get image file %s." % fname)

#return (im, top_left_xy)
return (im, bottom_left_xy)

def get_pixel(self, xy):
(x, y) = xy
(tile, (tx, ty)) = self.get_tile(xy)
tile_xy = (x - tx, (options.tilesize - 1) - (y - ty))
print "%s maps to %s" % (xy, tile_xy)
return tile.getpixel(tile_xy)

def trace_lake(loc, threshold, start_dir, bbox):
wms = WMSManager()
xy = geo_to_xy(loc)
nodelist = []

message("Starting coordinate: %.4f, %.4f" % loc)
message("Starting position: %d, %d" % xy)

if not bbox.contains(loc):
raise FatalError("Error: Starting location is outside bounding box!")

while True:
loc = xy_to_geo(xy)
if not bbox.contains(loc):

v = wms.get_pixel(xy)
if v > threshold:

xy = (xy[0] + dirs[start_dir][0], xy[1] + dirs[start_dir][1])

start_xy = xy
start_loc = xy_to_geo(xy)
print xy
message("Found shore at lat %.4f lon %.4f" % start_loc)

#dirs = ((1, 0), (1, -1), (0, -1), (-1, -1), (-1, 0), (-1, 1), (0, 1), (1, 1))
last_dir = start_dir

detect_loop = False

for i in xrange(options.maxnodes):
if i % 250 == 0:
if i > 0:
message("%s nodes so far..." % i)

for d in xrange(1, len(dirs)):
new_dir = dirs[(last_dir + d + 4) % 8]
test_xy = (xy[0] + new_dir[0], xy[1] + new_dir[1])
test_loc = xy_to_geo(test_xy)
if not bbox.contains(test_loc):

v = wms.get_pixel(test_xy)
print "%s: %s: %s" % (new_dir, test_xy, v)
if v > threshold:

if d == 8:
error("Got stuck.")

print "Moving to %s, direction %s (was %s)" % (test_xy, new_dir, dirs[last_dir])
last_dir = (last_dir + d + 4) % 8
xy = test_xy

if xy == start_xy:

loc = xy_to_geo(xy)

start_proximity = (loc[0] - start_loc[0]) ** 2 + (loc[1] - start_loc[1]) ** 2
if detect_loop:
if start_proximity < start_radius_small ** 2:
if start_proximity > start_radius_big ** 2:
detect_loop = True
return nodelist

def vertex_reduce(nodes, proximity):
test_v = nodes[0]
reduced_nodes = [test_v]
prox_sq = proximity ** 2
for v in nodes:
if (v[0] - test_v[0]) ** 2 + (v[1] - test_v[1]) ** 2 > prox_sq:
test_v = v
return reduced_nodes

def point_line_distance(p0, p1, p2):
((x0, y0), (x1, y1), (x2, y2)) = (p0, p1, p2)

if x2 == x1 and y2 == y1:
# Degenerate cast: the "line" is actually a point.
return math.sqrt((x1-x0)**2 + (y1-y0)**2)
# I don't understand this at all. Thank you, Mathworld.
return abs((x2-x1)*(y1-y0) - (x1-x0)*(y2-y1)) / math.sqrt((x2-x1)**2 + (y2-y1)**2)

def douglas_peucker(nodes, epsilon):
print "Running DP on %d nodes" % len(nodes)
farthest_node = None
farthest_dist = 0
first = nodes[0]
last = nodes[-1]

for i in xrange(1, len(nodes) - 1):
d = point_line_distance(nodes[i], first, last)
if d > farthest_dist:
farthest_dist = d
farthest_node = i

if farthest_dist > epsilon:
seg_a = douglas_peucker(nodes[0:farthest_node+1], epsilon)
seg_b = douglas_peucker(nodes[farthest_node:-1], epsilon)
print "Minimized %d nodes to %d + %d nodes" % (len(nodes), len(seg_a), len(seg_b))
nodes = seg_a[:-1] + seg_b
return [nodes[0], nodes[-1]]

return nodes

def dp_findpoint(nodes, start, end):
farthest_node = None
farthest_dist = 0
print "dp_findpoint(nodes, %s, %s)" % (start, end)
first = nodes[start]
last = nodes[end]

for i in xrange(start + 1, end):
d = point_line_distance(nodes[i], first, last)
if d > farthest_dist:
farthest_dist = d
farthest_node = i

return (farthest_node, farthest_dist)

def douglas_peucker_nonrecursive(nodes, epsilon):
print "Running DP on %d nodes" % len(nodes)
command_stack = [(0, len(nodes) - 1)]
result_stack = []

while len(command_stack) > 0:
cmd = command_stack.pop()
if type(cmd) == tuple:
(start, end) = cmd
(node, dist) = dp_findpoint(nodes, start, end)
if dist > epsilon:
command_stack.append((start, node))
command_stack.append((node, end))
result_stack.append((start, end))
elif cmd == "+":
first = result_stack.pop()
second = result_stack.pop()
if first[-1] == second[0]:
result_stack.append(first + second[1:])
print "Added %s and %s; result is %s" % (first, second, result_stack[-1])
error("ERROR: Cannot connect nodestrings!")
#print first
#print second
error("ERROR: Can't understand command \"%s\"" % (cmd,))

if len(result_stack) == 1:
return [nodes[x] for x in result_stack[0]]
error("ERROR: Command stack is empty but result stack has %d nodes!" % len(result_stack))

farthest_node = None
farthest_dist = 0
first = nodes[0]
last = nodes[-1]

for i in xrange(1, len(nodes) - 1):
d = point_line_distance(nodes[i], first, last)
if d > farthest_dist:
farthest_dist = d
farthest_node = i

if farthest_dist > epsilon:
seg_a = douglas_peucker(nodes[0:farthest_node+1], epsilon)
seg_b = douglas_peucker(nodes[farthest_node:-1], epsilon)
print "Minimized %d nodes to %d + %d nodes" % (len(nodes), len(seg_a), len(seg_b))
nodes = seg_a[:-1] + seg_b
return [nodes[0], nodes[-1]]

return nodes

def output_to_josm(lakelist):
# Description of JOSM output format:
# m text - Status message text, to be displayed in a display window
# e text - Error message text
# s nnn - Start full node list, nnn tracings following
# t nnn - Start tracing node list, nnn nodes following (i.e. there will be one of these for each lake where multiple start points specified)
# n lat lon - A node
# x - End of data
print "s %s" % len(lakelist)
for nodelist in lakelist:
print "t %s" % len(nodelist)
for node in nodelist:
print "n %.7f %.7f" % (node[0], node[1])
print "x"

def write_osm(f, lakelist, waysize):
cur_id = -1
way_count = 0
for nodelist in lakelist:
first_node_id = cur_id
cur_way = []
ways = [cur_way]
for loc in nodelist:
#f.write(' \n' % (cur_id, loc[0], loc[1], -cur_id, geo_to_xy(loc)[0], geo_to_xy(loc)[1]))
f.write('' % (cur_id, loc[0], loc[1]))
last_node_id = cur_id
cur_id = cur_id - 1

print "Nodes: %d, %d" % (first_node_id, last_node_id)

# f.write('\n' % cur_id)

# first_segment_id = cur_id

# for seg in xrange(first_node_id, last_node_id, -1):
# f.write('' % ( seg))
# cur_id = cur_id - 1
# f.write('' % (cur_id, last_node_id, first_node_id))

# f.write('\n')

# last_segment_id = cur_id
cur_id = cur_id - 1

print "Segments: %d, %d" % (first_node_id, last_node_id)

for seg in xrange(first_node_id, last_node_id - 1, -1):
if len(cur_way) >= waysize:
cur_way = []
for way in ways:
f.write('\n' % cur_id)
cur_id = cur_id - 1
for seg in way:
f.write('' % seg)

f.write('' % first_node_id) # close it
f.write('' % options.natural_type)
way_count = way_count + len(ways)

message("Generated %d %s." % (way_count, ["way", "ways"][way_count > 0]))

def get_locs(infile):
nodes = []
segments = []
ways = []
reader = OSMReader.OSMReader()
reader.nodeHandler = lambda x: nodes.append(x)
reader.segmentHandler = lambda x: segments.append(x)
reader.wayHandler = lambda x: ways.append(x)
if len(segments) > 0 or len(ways) > 0:
raise FatalError("Error: Input file must only contain nodes -- no segments or ways.")
if len(nodes) == 0:
raise FatalError("Error: No nodes found in input file.")
return [((, node.lon), options.threshold) for node in nodes]

def main():
parser = optparse.OptionParser(version=version)

parser.add_option("--lat", type="float", metavar="LATITUDE", help="Starting latitude. Required, unless --infile is used..")
parser.add_option("--lon", type="float", metavar="LONGITUDE", help="Starting longitude. Required, unless --infile is used.")
parser.add_option("--startdir", type="string", default="east", metavar="DIR", help="Direction to travel from start position when seeking land. Defaults to \"east\".")
parser.add_option("--infile", "-i", type="string", metavar="FILE", help="OSM file containing nodes representing starting points.")
parser.add_option("--out", "-o", default="forest.osm", dest="outfile", metavar="FILE", help="Output filename. Defaults to forest.osm.")
parser.add_option("--threshold", "-t", type="int", default="35", metavar="VALUE", help="Maximum gray value to accept as water (based on Landsat IR-1 data). Can be in the range 0-255. Defaults to 35.")
parser.add_option("--maxnodes", type="int", default="50000", metavar="N", help="Maximum number of nodes to generate before bailing out. Defaults to 50000.")
parser.add_option("--waylength", type="int", default=250, metavar="MAXLEN", help="Maximum nuber of nodes allowed in one way. Defaults to 250.")
parser.add_option("--landsat-res", type="int", default=4000, dest="resolution", metavar="RES", help="Resolution of Landsat tiles, measured in pixels per degree. Defaults to 4000.")
parser.add_option("--tilesize", type="int", default=2000, help="Size of one landsat tile, measured in pixels. Defaults to 2000.")
parser.add_option("--no-dp", action="store_false", dest="use_dp", default=True, help="Disable Douglas-Peucker line simplification (not recommended)")
parser.add_option("--dp-epsilon", type="float", metavar="EPSILON", default=0.0003, help="Accuracy of Douglas-Peucker line simplification, measured in degrees. Lower values give more nodes, and more accurate lines. Defaults to 0.0003.")
parser.add_option("--dp-nr", action="store_true", dest="dp_nr", default=False, help="Use experimental non-recursive DP implementation")
parser.add_option("--vr", action="store_true", dest="use_vr", default=False, help="Use vertex reduction before applying line simplification (off by default).")
parser.add_option("--vr-epsilon", type="float", default=0.0005, metavar="RADIUS", help="Radius used for vertex reduction (measured in degrees). Defaults to 0.0005.")
# parser.add_option("--water", action="store_const", const="water", dest="natural_type", default="coastline", help="Tag ways as natural=water instead of natural=coastline")
parser.add_option("--forest", action="store_const", const="woords", dest="natural_type", default="forest", help="Tag ways as natural=woods instead of natural=forest")

parser.add_option("--left", type="float", metavar="LONGITUDE", default=-180, help="Left (west) longitude for bounding box")
parser.add_option("--right", type="float", metavar="LONGITUDE", default=180, help="Right (east) longitude for bounding box")
parser.add_option("--top", type="float", metavar="LATITUDE", default=90, help="Top (north) latitude for bounding box")
parser.add_option("--bottom", type="float", metavar="LATITUDE", default=-90, help="Bottom (south) latitude for bounding box")
parser.add_option("--josm", action="store_true", dest="josm_mode", default=False, help="Operate in JOSM plugin mode")

global options # Ugly, I know...
(options, args) = parser.parse_args()

if len(args) > 0:

(start_lat, start_lon, infile) = (, options.lon, options.infile)

if (start_lat is None or start_lon is None) and infile is None:
if not options.josm_mode:
error("Error: you must specify a starting latitude and longitude.")

if infile is not None:
if start_lat is not None or start_lon is not None:
error("Error: you cannot use both --infile and --lat or --lon.")
locs = get_locs(infile)
#print locs
except FatalError, e:
error("%s" % e)
locs = [((start_lat, start_lon), options.threshold)]

dirname = options.startdir.lower()
if dirname in dirnames:
startdir = dirnames.index(dirname)
elif dirname in dirabbrevs:
startdir = dirabbrevs.index(dirname)
error("Error: Can't understand starting direction \"%s\". Vaild options are %s." % (dirname, ", ".join(dirnames + dirabbrevs)))

message("Starting direction is %s." % dirnames[startdir])

bbox = BBox(, options.left, options.bottom, options.right)

lakes = []
for (loc, threshold) in locs:
nodes = trace_lake(loc, threshold, startdir, bbox)

message("%d nodes generated." % len(nodes))

if len(nodes) > 0:
if options.use_vr:
nodes = vertex_reduce(nodes, options.vr_epsilon)
message("After vertex reduction, %d nodes remain." % len(nodes))

if options.use_dp:
if options.dp_nr:
nodes = douglas_peucker_nonrecursive(nodes, options.dp_epsilon)
#print "Final result: %s" % (nodes,)
nodes = douglas_peucker(nodes, options.dp_epsilon)
message("After Douglas-Peucker approximation, %d nodes remain." % len(nodes))
except FatalError, e:
raise e
raise FatalError("Line simplification failed -- there are probably too many nodes.")


if options.josm_mode:
message("Writing to %s" % options.outfile)
f = open(options.outfile, "w")
write_osm(f, lakes, options.waylength)

#tiles = tilelist(nodes)

#for tile in tiles:
# print "./ xy %d %d; ./" % tile

#print tiles
except FatalError, e:
error("%s" % e)
error("Bailing out...")

if __name__ == "__main__":

Comment from maning on 17 August 2009 at 14:13

Can't get it to work

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 44, in
import OSMReader
ImportError: No module named OSMReader

Comment from h4ck3rm1k3 on 17 August 2009 at 20:02

here is my new hack that will create a grid of all the points in a


# Forestwalker 0.0003-gridhack.
# 2007-07-09: Initial public release (v0.2) by Dshpak
# 2007-07-10: v0.3: Added support for OSM input files. Also reduced start_radius_big, and fixed a division-by-zero error in the degenerate case of point_line_distance().
# 2007-08-04: Added experimental non-recursive Douglas-Peucker algorithm (--dp-nr). Added --startdir option.
# 2007-08-06: v0.4: Bounding box support (--left, --right, --top, and --bottom), as well as new --josm mode for JOSM integration. This isn't perfect yet, but it's a good start.
# 2009-08-17 James Michael DuPont working

"""Lakewalker II - A tool to automatically download and trace Landsat imagery, to generate OpenStreetMap data.

Requires the Python Imaging Library, available from"""

version="Lakewalker II v0.6"

# - Accept threshold tags in OSM input files.
# - Command line options:
# - direction (deosil/widdershins)
# - layer to use (monochrome only?)
# - additional tags for the way
# - Landsat download retries (count and delay)
# - radii for loop detection
# - fname for z12 tile output (list or script)
# - path to tilesGen for z12 script output
# - debug mode (extra tags on nodes) (make this non-uploadable?)
# - The "got stuck" message should output coords
# - Better "got stuck" detection (detect mini loops)
# - Offset nodes outwards by a half-pixel or so, to prevent duplicate segments
# - Automatic threshold detection
# - (Correct/tested) non-recursive DP simplification
# For JOSM integration:
# - Add a --tmpdir option that controls the location of the Landsat
# tiles, the results text file, and the lake.osm file (unless it's
# got an absolute path
# - Add a --nocache option that keeps WMS tiles in memory but not on disk.

import math
import os
import urllib
from PIL import Image
import OSMReader
import time
import optparse

options = None

start_radius_big = 0.001
start_radius_small = 0.0002

## for tile walking
stepsize = 33

#dirs = ((1, 0), (1, 1), (0, 1), (-1, 1), (-1, 0), (-1, -1), (0, -1), (1, -1))
# steps of 10.. walk faster

stepsize = 1

dirs = ((1 * stepsize, 0), (1 * stepsize, 1 * stepsize), (0, 1 * stepsize), (-1 * stepsize, 1 * stepsize), (-1 * stepsize, 0), (-1 * stepsize, -1 * stepsize), (0, -1 * stepsize), (1 * stepsize, -1 * stepsize))

dirnames = ["east", "northeast", "north", "northwest", "west", "southwest", "south", "southeast"]
dirabbrevs = ["e", "ne", "n", "nw", "w", "sw", "s", "se"]

class FatalError(Exception):

def message(s):
if options.josm_mode:
print "m %s" % s
print s

def error(s):
if options.josm_mode:
print "e %s" % s
print s

class BBox:
def __init__(self, top = 90, left = -180, bottom = -90, right = 180):
self.left = left
self.right = right = top
self.bottom = bottom
def contains(self, loc):
(lat, lon) = loc
if lat > or lat < self.bottom:
return False
if (self.right - self.left) % 360 == 0:
return True
return (lon - self.left) % 360 <= (self.right - self.left) % 360

def download_landsat(c1, c2, width, height, fname):
layer = "global_mosaic_base"
# style = "IR1"
style = "IR2"

(min_lat, min_lon) = c1
(max_lat, max_lon) = c2

message("Downloading Landsat tile for (%.6f,%.6f)-(%.6f,%.6f)." % (min_lat, min_lon, max_lat, max_lon))
url = ",%0.6f,%0.6f,%0.6f&width=%d&height=%d" % (layer, style, min_lon, min_lat, max_lon, max_lat, width, height)
print url
urllib.urlretrieve(url, fname)
except IOError, e:
raise FatalError("Error downloading tile: %s" % e.strerror)
if not os.path.exists(fname):
raise FatalError("Error: Could not retreive url %s" % url)
print "Got it %s" % fname

def xy_to_geo(xy):
(x, y) = xy
(lat, lon) = (y / float(options.resolution), x / float(options.resolution))
return (lat, lon)

def geo_to_xy(geo):
(lat, lon) = geo
coord = lambda L: math.floor(L * options.resolution + 0.5)
(x, y) = (coord(lon), coord(lat))
return (x, y)

class WMSManager:
def __init__(self):
self.images = {}

def get_tile(self, xy):

im = None
while im is None :
(x, y) = xy
bottom_left_xy = (int(math.floor(x / options.tilesize)) * options.tilesize, int(math.floor(y / options.tilesize)) * options.tilesize)
top_right_xy = (bottom_left_xy[0] + options.tilesize, bottom_left_xy[1] + options.tilesize)
fname = "landsat_%d_%d_xy_%d_%d.png" % (options.resolution, options.tilesize, bottom_left_xy[0], bottom_left_xy[1])
im = self.images.get(fname, None)

if not os.path.exists(fname):
raise FatalError("Error: Could not get image file %s" % fname)
im =
self.images[fname] = im
message("Using imagery in %s for %s." % (fname, xy_to_geo(xy)))
except IOError:
error("Download was corrupt...Deleting %s..." % fname)
raise FatalError("Error: Could not get image file %s" % fname)

return (im, bottom_left_xy)

def get_pixel(self, xy):
(x, y) = xy
(tile, (tx, ty)) = self.get_tile(xy)
tile_xy = (x - tx, (options.tilesize - 1) - (y - ty))
print "%s maps to %s" % (xy, tile_xy)
return tile.getpixel(tile_xy)

def walk_tile(loc, threshold, start_dir, bbox):
wms = WMSManager()
xy = geo_to_xy(loc)
nodelist = []
message("Starting coordinate: %.4f, %.4f" % loc)
message("Starting position: %d, %d" % xy)

#v = wms.get_pixel(xy)
#get the tile that the pixel contains
(tile, (tx, ty)) = wms.get_tile(xy)

# print tile
for x in xrange(tx +1, tx + options.tilesize -1, stepsize) :
for y in xrange(ty+1, ty + options.tilesize -1, stepsize) :
loc = xy_to_geo((x, y))

# message("Tile : %d, %d" % (tx, ty))
return nodelist

def trace_lake(loc, threshold, start_dir, bbox):
wms = WMSManager()
xy = geo_to_xy(loc)
nodelist = []

message("Starting coordinate: %.4f, %.4f" % loc)
message("Starting position: %d, %d" % xy)

#v = wms.get_pixel(xy)
#get the tile that the pixel contains
(tile, (tx, ty)) = wms.get_tile(xy)

if not bbox.contains(loc):
raise FatalError("Error: Starting location is outside bounding box!")

errcount = errortries

while True:
loc = xy_to_geo(xy)
if not bbox.contains(loc):

v = wms.get_pixel(xy)
if v > threshold:
errcount = errcount -1 # allow for three errors
if errcount < 0 :

xy = (xy[0] + dirs[start_dir][0], xy[1] + dirs[start_dir][1])

start_xy = xy
start_loc = xy_to_geo(xy)
print xy
message("Found shore at lat %.4f lon %.4f" % start_loc)

#dirs = ((1, 0), (1, -1), (0, -1), (-1, -1), (-1, 0), (-1, 1), (0, 1), (1, 1))
last_dir = start_dir

detect_loop = False

for i in xrange(options.maxnodes):
if i % 250 == 0:
if i > 0:
message("%s nodes so far..." % i)

for d in xrange(1, len(dirs)):
new_dir = dirs[(last_dir + d + 4) % 8]
test_xy = (xy[0] + new_dir[0], xy[1] + new_dir[1])
test_loc = xy_to_geo(test_xy)
if not bbox.contains(test_loc):

v = wms.get_pixel(test_xy)
print "%s: %s: %s" % (new_dir, test_xy, v)
if v > threshold:

if d == 8:
error("Got stuck.")

print "Moving to %s, direction %s (was %s)" % (test_xy, new_dir, dirs[last_dir])
last_dir = (last_dir + d + 4) % 8
xy = test_xy

if xy == start_xy:

loc = xy_to_geo(xy)

start_proximity = (loc[0] - start_loc[0]) ** 2 + (loc[1] - start_loc[1]) ** 2
if detect_loop:
if start_proximity < start_radius_small ** 2:
if start_proximity > start_radius_big ** 2:
detect_loop = True
return nodelist

def vertex_reduce(nodes, proximity):
test_v = nodes[0]
reduced_nodes = [test_v]
prox_sq = proximity ** 2
for v in nodes:
if (v[0] - test_v[0]) ** 2 + (v[1] - test_v[1]) ** 2 > prox_sq:
test_v = v
return reduced_nodes

def point_line_distance(p0, p1, p2):
((x0, y0), (x1, y1), (x2, y2)) = (p0, p1, p2)

if x2 == x1 and y2 == y1:
# Degenerate cast: the "line" is actually a point.
return math.sqrt((x1-x0)**2 + (y1-y0)**2)
# I don't understand this at all. Thank you, Mathworld.
return abs((x2-x1)*(y1-y0) - (x1-x0)*(y2-y1)) / math.sqrt((x2-x1)**2 + (y2-y1)**2)

def douglas_peucker(nodes, epsilon):
print "Running DP on %d nodes" % len(nodes)
farthest_node = None
farthest_dist = 0
first = nodes[0]
last = nodes[-1]

for i in xrange(1, len(nodes) - 1):
d = point_line_distance(nodes[i], first, last)
if d > farthest_dist:
farthest_dist = d
farthest_node = i

if farthest_dist > epsilon:
seg_a = douglas_peucker(nodes[0:farthest_node+1], epsilon)
seg_b = douglas_peucker(nodes[farthest_node:-1], epsilon)
print "Minimized %d nodes to %d + %d nodes" % (len(nodes), len(seg_a), len(seg_b))
nodes = seg_a[:-1] + seg_b
return [nodes[0], nodes[-1]]

return nodes

def dp_findpoint(nodes, start, end):
farthest_node = None
farthest_dist = 0
print "dp_findpoint(nodes, %s, %s)" % (start, end)
first = nodes[start]
last = nodes[end]

for i in xrange(start + 1, end):
d = point_line_distance(nodes[i], first, last)
if d > farthest_dist:
farthest_dist = d
farthest_node = i

return (farthest_node, farthest_dist)

def douglas_peucker_nonrecursive(nodes, epsilon):
print "Running DP on %d nodes" % len(nodes)
command_stack = [(0, len(nodes) - 1)]
result_stack = []

while len(command_stack) > 0:
cmd = command_stack.pop()
if type(cmd) == tuple:
(start, end) = cmd
(node, dist) = dp_findpoint(nodes, start, end)
if dist > epsilon:
command_stack.append((start, node))
command_stack.append((node, end))
result_stack.append((start, end))
elif cmd == "+":
first = result_stack.pop()
second = result_stack.pop()
if first[-1] == second[0]:
result_stack.append(first + second[1:])
print "Added %s and %s; result is %s" % (first, second, result_stack[-1])
error("ERROR: Cannot connect nodestrings!")
#print first
#print second
error("ERROR: Can't understand command \"%s\"" % (cmd,))

if len(result_stack) == 1:
return [nodes[x] for x in result_stack[0]]
error("ERROR: Command stack is empty but result stack has %d nodes!" % len(result_stack))

farthest_node = None
farthest_dist = 0
first = nodes[0]
last = nodes[-1]

for i in xrange(1, len(nodes) - 1):
d = point_line_distance(nodes[i], first, last)
if d > farthest_dist:
farthest_dist = d
farthest_node = i

if farthest_dist > epsilon:
seg_a = douglas_peucker(nodes[0:farthest_node+1], epsilon)
seg_b = douglas_peucker(nodes[farthest_node:-1], epsilon)
print "Minimized %d nodes to %d + %d nodes" % (len(nodes), len(seg_a), len(seg_b))
nodes = seg_a[:-1] + seg_b
return [nodes[0], nodes[-1]]

return nodes

def output_to_josm(lakelist):
# Description of JOSM output format:
# m text - Status message text, to be displayed in a display window
# e text - Error message text
# s nnn - Start full node list, nnn tracings following
# t nnn - Start tracing node list, nnn nodes following (i.e. there will be one of these for each lake where multiple start points specified)
# n lat lon - A node
# x - End of data
print "s %s" % len(lakelist)
for nodelist in lakelist:
print "t %s" % len(nodelist)
for node in nodelist:
print "n %.7f %.7f" % (node[0], node[1])
print "x"

def write_osm(f, lakelist, waysize):
cur_id = -1
way_count = 0
for nodelist in lakelist:
first_node_id = cur_id
cur_way = []
ways = [cur_way]
for loc in nodelist:
#f.write(' \n' % (cur_id, loc[0], loc[1], -cur_id, geo_to_xy(loc)[0], geo_to_xy(loc)[1]))
f.write('' % (cur_id, loc[0], loc[1]))
last_node_id = cur_id
cur_id = cur_id - 1

print "Nodes: %d, %d" % (first_node_id, last_node_id)

# f.write('\n' % cur_id)

# first_segment_id = cur_id

# for seg in xrange(first_node_id, last_node_id, -1):
# f.write('' % ( seg))
# cur_id = cur_id - 1
# f.write('' % (cur_id, last_node_id, first_node_id))

# f.write('\n')

# last_segment_id = cur_id
cur_id = cur_id - 1

print "Segments: %d, %d" % (first_node_id, last_node_id)

for seg in xrange(first_node_id, last_node_id - 1, -1):
if len(cur_way) >= waysize:
cur_way = []
for way in ways:
f.write('\n' % cur_id)
cur_id = cur_id - 1
for seg in way:
f.write('' % seg)

f.write('' % first_node_id) # close it
f.write('' % options.natural_type)
way_count = way_count + len(ways)

message("Generated %d %s." % (way_count, ["way", "ways"][way_count > 0]))

def outputlakes(lakes):

filenum =0

if options.josm_mode:

filename = "%s-%d.osm" % (options.outfile, filenum)
filenum = filenum +1
message("Writing to %s" % filename)
f = open(filename, "w")
write_osm(f, lakes, options.waylength)
message("wrote the file %s" % filename)

lakes = []
return lakes

def get_locs(infile):
nodes = []
segments = []
ways = []
reader = OSMReader.OSMReader()
reader.nodeHandler = lambda x: nodes.append(x)
reader.segmentHandler = lambda x: segments.append(x)
reader.wayHandler = lambda x: ways.append(x)
if len(segments) > 0 or len(ways) > 0:
raise FatalError("Error: Input file must only contain nodes -- no segments or ways.")
if len(nodes) == 0:
raise FatalError("Error: No nodes found in input file.")
return [((, node.lon), options.threshold) for node in nodes]

def main():
parser = optparse.OptionParser(version=version)

parser.add_option("--lat", type="float", metavar="LATITUDE", help="Starting latitude. Required, unless --infile is used..")
parser.add_option("--lon", type="float", metavar="LONGITUDE", help="Starting longitude. Required, unless --infile is used.")
parser.add_option("--startdir", type="string", default="east", metavar="DIR", help="Direction to travel from start position when seeking land. Defaults to \"east\".")
parser.add_option("--infile", "-i", type="string", metavar="FILE", help="OSM file containing nodes representing starting points.")
parser.add_option("--out", "-o", default="forest.osm", dest="outfile", metavar="FILE", help="Output filename. Defaults to forest.osm.")
parser.add_option("--threshold", "-t", type="int", default="35", metavar="VALUE", help="Maximum gray value to accept as water (based on Landsat IR-1 data). Can be in the range 0-255. Defaults to 35.")
parser.add_option("--maxnodes", type="int", default="50000", metavar="N", help="Maximum number of nodes to generate before bailing out. Defaults to 50000.")
parser.add_option("--waylength", type="int", default=250, metavar="MAXLEN", help="Maximum nuber of nodes allowed in one way. Defaults to 250.")
parser.add_option("--landsat-res", type="int", default=4000, dest="resolution", metavar="RES", help="Resolution of Landsat tiles, measured in pixels per degree. Defaults to 4000.")
parser.add_option("--tilesize", type="int", default=2000, help="Size of one landsat tile, measured in pixels. Defaults to 2000.")
parser.add_option("--no-dp", action="store_false", dest="use_dp", default=True, help="Disable Douglas-Peucker line simplification (not recommended)")
parser.add_option("--dp-epsilon", type="float", metavar="EPSILON", default=0.0003, help="Accuracy of Douglas-Peucker line simplification, measured in degrees. Lower values give more nodes, and more accurate lines. Defaults to 0.0003.")
parser.add_option("--dp-nr", action="store_true", dest="dp_nr", default=False, help="Use experimental non-recursive DP implementation")
parser.add_option("--vr", action="store_true", dest="use_vr", default=False, help="Use vertex reduction before applying line simplification (off by default).")
parser.add_option("--vr-epsilon", type="float", default=0.0005, metavar="RADIUS", help="Radius used for vertex reduction (measured in degrees). Defaults to 0.0005.")
# parser.add_option("--water", action="store_const", const="water", dest="natural_type", default="coastline", help="Tag ways as natural=water instead of natural=coastline")
parser.add_option("--forest", action="store_const", const="woords", dest="natural_type", default="forest", help="Tag ways as natural=woods instead of natural=forest")

parser.add_option("--left", type="float", metavar="LONGITUDE", default=-180, help="Left (west) longitude for bounding box")
parser.add_option("--right", type="float", metavar="LONGITUDE", default=180, help="Right (east) longitude for bounding box")
parser.add_option("--top", type="float", metavar="LATITUDE", default=90, help="Top (north) latitude for bounding box")
parser.add_option("--bottom", type="float", metavar="LATITUDE", default=-90, help="Bottom (south) latitude for bounding box")
parser.add_option("--josm", action="store_true", dest="josm_mode", default=False, help="Operate in JOSM plugin mode")

global options # Ugly, I know...
(options, args) = parser.parse_args()

if len(args) > 0:

(start_lat, start_lon, infile) = (, options.lon, options.infile)

if (start_lat is None or start_lon is None) and infile is None:
if not options.josm_mode:
error("Error: you must specify a starting latitude and longitude.")

if infile is not None:
if start_lat is not None or start_lon is not None:
error("Error: you cannot use both --infile and --lat or --lon.")
locs = get_locs(infile)
#print locs
except FatalError, e:
error("%s" % e)
locs = [((start_lat, start_lon), options.threshold)]

dirname = options.startdir.lower()
if dirname in dirnames:
startdir = dirnames.index(dirname)
elif dirname in dirabbrevs:
startdir = dirabbrevs.index(dirname)
error("Error: Can't understand starting direction \"%s\". Vaild options are %s." % (dirname, ", ".join(dirnames + dirabbrevs)))

message("Starting direction is %s." % dirnames[startdir])

bbox = BBox(, options.left, options.bottom, options.right)

lakes = []

# create a grid for just the first point
print locs[0][0]
locgrid = walk_tile(locs[0][0], 0, startdir, bbox)

nodes = []

for (loc) in locgrid:
#(lat, lon) = loc
#newloc = (x, y) = (coord(lon), coord(lat))

print "tracing at "
print loc

#nodes2 = trace_lake(loc, options.threshold, startdir, bbox)
except FatalError, e:
error("%s" % e)

message("%d nodes generated." % len(nodes))

# skip over very small groups
if len(nodes) > 0:
if options.use_vr:
nodes = vertex_reduce(nodes, options.vr_epsilon)
message("After vertex reduction, %d nodes remain." % len(nodes))

if options.use_dp:
if options.dp_nr:
nodes = douglas_peucker_nonrecursive(nodes, options.dp_epsilon)
#print "Final result: %s" % (nodes,)
nodes = douglas_peucker(nodes, options.dp_epsilon)
message("After Douglas-Peucker approximation, %d nodes remain." % len(nodes))
except FatalError, e:
raise e
message(" Douglas-Peucker approximation failed, who cares., %d nodes remain." % len(nodes))
#raise FatalError("Line simplification failed -- there are probably too many nodes.")


lakes= outputlakes(lakes)

except FatalError, e:
error("%s" % e)
error("Bailing out...")

if __name__ == "__main__":

Comment from h4ck3rm1k3 on 17 August 2009 at 20:16

prizren> i use the diary as my source control
let me walk you through it
first you need these files
then you need this file
and then it takes parameters of a osm file
or just a point
and the threshold
python ./ --lat 42.4052 --lon 20.4782 --threshold 80 -o forest.osm
python ./ -i somedots.osm --threshold 80 -o forest.osm

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