
frodrigo's Diary Comments

Diary Comments added by frodrigo

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QLever: a new way to query OpenStreetMap

Thank you that really interesting. One of the advantage of Sophox is the integration of OSM Data Items. I hope it could be easily integrated into QLever and even if possible on your demo instance. I may try myself to run an QLever OSM Data Items instance. It is the database I want the more query on.

Synchonisation avec les données en open-data

Pour les données OSM ça peut marcher avec des nodes des ways ou relations, ça se configure. Pour les données OpenData, oui, que des points.

Synchonisation avec les données en open-data

Il existe déjà des comparaisons de ce type d’objet dans Osmose-QA.

Il faut créer ce genre de configuration

Ça peut traiter tous les cas de différences que tu signales

iD editor: It is time for us to end this abusive relationship

Add a new patch to use only logo from, not from facebook not twitter

iD editor: It is time for us to end this abusive relationship

I switched to v2.16.0.

iD editor: It is time for us to end this abusive relationship

My idea is not to fork iD and even less to maintain a fork. But rather show the list of controversial decisions could be addresses with patchs. The number of, and the patchs are not large. Writing the patchs and maintained can be done. This approach could probably be applied to brand logos and so on. This changes are mostly configuration, or configuration-like part of iD, not real software code.

Because I obliviously care about the OSM Data. I also agree with the content of this diary. We should no more deploy the default iD on I aim to show a set of patchs can be done and maintained.

[demo] Emojis in overpass turbo!! 😍😈😃

Few week ago we also add a new check in Osmoss-QA about this, it reveals lot of (in)interesting thing:

And the slipy smiley map : There even one in the holly city of Kalsruhe

Mixed language also come this the same check:

Mapillary data usage on OSM

You can look at this for Mapillary, but in changeset comment, not source :

How to detect a wrong/improper/broken highway classification/hierarchy?

In fact Osmose QA already check for this.

Source code is here :

This errors set is also available as a Maproulette challenge.