
Public GPS Traces from frodegill

by frodegill

Paths found while geocaching

by frodegill

Paths found while geocaching

by frodegill

Path found while geocaching near Tofte stadium

by frodegill

Paths found while geocaching

by frodegill

Driving new road at Måna

by frodegill

Mapping a few new streets

by frodegill

Walking around the Kykkelsrud forest

by frodegill

Slow walk in Hurum

by frodegill

Geocaching in Hurum

by frodegill

Geocaching in Nesodden

by frodegill

Paths found while geocaching

by frodegill

Road found while geocaching

by frodegill

Geocaching in Mysen

by frodegill

Mapping some old tractor roads

by frodegill

Geocaching Grakleiva to Gratjønn

by frodegill

Camping in Ulrika

by frodegill

Geocaching in Vimmerby

by frodegill

Geocaching in Hobøl

by frodegill

Geocaching in Hobøl

by frodegill

Walking the new path at Kapelløya